sir prince duke alevine wrote on Sep 1
st, 2017 at 6:55pm:
This constant, 'You think it's islam, you must be islamophobic'
fair dinkum alevine - is deliberately misrepresenting what I say some favourite pass time of yours? You seem to do it every time you quote me.
You may or may not be being islamophobic, but thats not the issue here, and its certainly not what I was thinking about. What I was thinking about, and what is the issue, is this scurge of jumping to baseless conclusions using faulty logic. Its rampant here, unfortunately.
Now as you say, "stats don't lie" - and thats precisely why you are wrong. What the stats show is that inbreeding is relatively higher in a large block of the world that incorporates the middle east, central asia, south Asia - as well as pretty much the entire African continent. If we are talking about religous makeup of these regions, Islam is only one of 3 major religions - the others being hinduism and christian/animist. Now we can go with your logic and say this is all down to religion - which would mean all 3 religions independently cause people to want to marry their cousins. And we presumably dismiss any other socio-cultural factors. Keeping in mind that we would be applying this logic despite the fact that none of those 3 religions give any doctrinal encouragement for the practice. Does that sound logical to you?
Another point about stats: other muslim areas, most notably SE Asia, including no less the largest muslim country in the world, have negligible levels of cousin marriage - about on a par with most of the west.
what socio-cultural factors cause the Middle East and the Sub-Continent to have a much higher level of incestuous marriage? I mean that's all I've been asking you from day one. I just wish you'd elaborate! I can tell you that from the map freediver presented just before to you, the one linkage I can see is the very large population of people who would base their behaviours on the teachings of Islam. Even India, it would be hard to tell whether it is indeed Hinduism or Islam, but nonetheless I once again state I don't think Islam i sthe ONLY religion where incest is a problem. It's just the cause of the problem in the Arab world. Unless we start talking Cleopatra again?