miketrees wrote on Aug 21
st, 2017 at 4:08pm:
Unwittingly, SHY has shown exactly why Muslim immigration is so dangerous.
And why she is considered the dumbest of dumb fkks in the Australian Parliament.
Yes and yes.
You can understand why some communities don't want mosques in their towns,,, its self defence
this is all designed to shut down free speech... shut down the discussion on whether we should import more Muslim Terrorist..
shhhh.. don't say anything.. they'll kill us...
Fair Dinkum... you have already lost.. this is the weakness they thrive on..
Pauline Hanson Hits back..
Quote:I think someone needs to ask Sarah Hanson-Young and the Greens, who was responsible for all the terrorism plots and the successful terror attacks that occurred in Australia before I wore a burqa?
Hanson Knocks the dumb money hungry scrag out of the PARK...