polite_gandalf wrote on Aug 30
th, 2017 at 8:12pm:
Lastone wrote on Aug 28
th, 2017 at 2:03pm:
In a free society people are free to wear what they want. Government interference in that right, and other peoples interference in that right should be limited. I don't support people being forced to have to wear something. I also do not support people being forced not to wear an item. Do we really want to go back to the days where beach inspectors would fine people for showing their naval?
Kinda like this?
https://media4.s-nbcnews.com/j/msnbc/components/video/201608/2016-08-25t22-47-58...France, 2016 - 3 male armed policeman surround a woman on a beach and literally order her to take off her garment - because it looks a little too Islamic.
Alevine, by the way supports this kind of law
I guess it would be appropriate for me to go ahead and post photos of women being stoned to death for not wearing face covering, gandalf? I suppose you're okay with that, because you know, the burka must be respected in all its form for being a muslim religious garment? Regardless of how anti-feminist, illiberal it is?
And we've spoken about this before but I'm sure you've forgotten: at the end of our discussion I made it quite clear I support the banning of sale, not of wearing. Similar to laws to do with cigerettes to minors: it is illegal to sell, but not to buy or wear.
On another interesting case I witnessed personally (of course anecdotal, but nonetheless): While standing in line at Munich airport to go through passport control, a woman (I suppose although one can of course never be sure) wearing a burka was granted access through security, with the guard glimpsing at her eyes and trying to compare to her photo, rather than asking her to remove the face covering (because you know...there were so many horny men waiting to pounce on her the moment she revealed her face). She wasn't escorted to a private room. No, she literally went through the control without anyone actually checking her identity properly. How marvellous.