The Daily Telegraph can reveal some of the enviable properties the asylum seekers are staying in rent-free after taking out an injunction to stop the government from sending them back to Manus or Nauru once they have completed medical treatment.
One five-bedroom home in Castle Hill, with a large garden, is valued at $1.5 million, while another in Parramatta has three bedrooms, two lockup garages, a garden and comes complete with glossy wooden floors.
“The game is up for these people who want to take us for a ride,” Mr Dutton said.
An average Australian pensioner, who has worked and paid taxes all their life, receives a maximum rate of just over $800 a fortnight, but needs to pay their housing, power bills and healthcare costs.
By contrast, the freeloaders targeted by Mr Dutton receive a household goods package of $2350, income support of $300 a fortnight, moving costs of $300 and free housing, power bills and healthcare. They are also entitled to an energy payment of $1000.
Each asylum seeker is costing taxpayers up to $120,000 a year and, in total, their subsidised lifestyle is costing hardworking Aussies $40 million a year. And their free lifestyle comes despite the fact they were able to afford to pay people smugglers $10,000 each to be brought to Australia. Mr Dutton said the group of 70 will be placed on Final Departure Bridging visas, which stipulate they need to support themselves until they leave the country. It means they have work rights and access to Medicare, but will need to find their own accommodation and pay for it, unless they decide to return to Manus or Nauru or their country of origin.
More than 400 asylum seekers have been transferred from Nauru and Manus to Australia for temporary medical treatment. Once here, most took out injunctions to try to ensure they did not have to return. The Daily Telegraph can reveal some of the most egregious examples of people exploiting the system.
One Iranian arrived in Australia from a regional processing centre after requesting medical treatment. When this was finished, he was moved into community detention where he “displayed criminal sexual behaviour” towards a female case worker. He claimed he was under financial stress because he had spent all the money he was given by the government on prostitutes.
In another case, an Iraqi man was transferred to Australia for treatment after a stomach complaint. After being declared healthy to return, he launched legal action preventing this. His wife and children still live in Iraq.
An Iranian male transferred from an RPC for medical treatment. Moved into community detention after treatment completed. That community detention was revoked after he displayed criminal sexual behaviour towards a female case worker. When questioned about that behaviour he said he was in financial stress because he spent all of his money on prostitutes.
2. An Iraqi male transferred from an RPC for medical treatment for a stomach complaint. That treatment has been completed and he has been independently assessed as medically fit to return to the RPC, but has taken legal action preventing his return. His wife children and parents all live in Iraq.
3. A Sri Lankan national was transferred from an RPC for treatment of arthritis and rashes. Has been found not to be a refugee through several processes, but refuses to leave.
4. A Bangladeshi national transferred for treatment of lower back pain. Doctors found no surgery was needed and recommended physiotherapy. He has taken legal action preventing his return.
5. An Iranian national suffered a back injury after falling off gym equipment. Treated in Australia, his injury no longer requires specialist treatment. Years later he remains in Australia and has taken legal action preventing his return to an RPC.
and Wally the greens head honcho thinks we are being too tough sending them home..