Why has this been happening in Australia, .....
are latent, wanna-be, homicidal maniacs.
Yadda said....
Yadda said....
"Why should any moslem [man] living here in Australia, believe, that it is OK for a moslem to behave in this way, here in Australia ?"
PROPOSITION;1/ Many moslems living here in Australia, clearly consider that their community, here in Australia,
exists within Australia, as a separate and parallel legal jurisdiction, here in Australia.
2/ Many moslems living here in Australia, clearly consider that their community, here in Australia, should be able to function under the legal jurisdictional procedures that apply to an ISLAMIC religious community.
3/ Many moslems living here in Australia, clearly believe that their community, here in Australia,
should be able to 'brush aside' the authority of local laws which may be viewed as interfering in the 'proper' cultural authority of the cultural and religious laws which 'properly' apply to their own ISLAMIC religious community, here in Australia.
QUESTION;Where is Malcolm Turnbull, the prime minister of Australia !!!
Malcolm Turnbull, why are moslems being allowed to flout our laws,
without any significant consequence !
QUESTION;Malcolm Turnbull, do you want to keep sinking in the polls ?
Then just continue to ignore these kind of issues, relating to the ISLAMIC community, who are living among us, here in Australia.