By Robert Spencer on Aug 29, 2017 06:26 pm
UK: Primary school teacher urged Muslims to wage jihad and establish caliphate
“Initially Malik was also prevented from going to marches or demonstrations at Islamic events but Mr Ikram said this would infringe on her human rights so lifted the condition.”
So now she can make recruits at will at such marches and demonstrations.
Good thing the British authorities, as alert to the sensitivities of Islamic supremacists as ever,
are so concerned about her human rights.
A special needs primary school teacher has been suspended for allegedly encouraging Muslims to sacrifice all their money to help establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate.
Prosecutors say that Sadia Malik, 36, promoted Islamic hate groups
and urged Muslims to take up Jihad.
The special education needs coordinator from Wales, is accused of sending two messages via WhatsApp with YouTube links to four videos and a website linked to banned British-born hate preacher Omar Bakri Mohammed.....