greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 5
th, 2017 at 1:09pm:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Sep 5
th, 2017 at 1:03pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 5
th, 2017 at 11:17am:
Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Sep 5
th, 2017 at 11:10am:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 5
th, 2017 at 11:01am:
Incorrect, scroll back.
There is no evidence to prove that marriage was not always between man and woman - only assertions of historical issues that have been inferred to mean 'gay', and references to far off countries who changed the rules for themselves.
We have no need to follow what other nations do..... and none of the historical antecedents has been shown to mean that gay marriage was practiced. Inference is not reality....
You get an A for effort......
Continue to live in denial, if that's what makes you happy.
However, I can assure you that SSM is legal in many countries right now.
Moreover, it will be legalised in this country too and it won't hurt you one little bit.
There you go again - attack the messenger, refuse to answer the questions raised, and continue to refer to other nations and to ideology.
I'm not attacking anyone - I'm merely presenting the facts.
The evidence (which I've provided) suggests that marriages have not always been
just between male and female.
And, it's an indisputable fact that marriage today is not restricted to heterosexuals - many countries have legalised SSM.
'living in denial', 'ignorant'..... anyone who would label me 'ignorant' needs a head examination...
Now stop being a Nazi and attacking anyone with an opposing view....
I've refuted the 'evidence', which does not clearly indicate any such thing as SSM historically - each thing listed is covered in other areas, such as oaths etc, which had a totally different meaning back then.
Following other countries in their mistakes slavishly is what brought us so much of the feminist disaster....
Let The People Decide!!
Only a coward would seek another way, such as the Labor party's position on this..... they have a 'mandate', don't 'cha know, just like Wee Johnnie did, but we all know how the major worn-out parties love to latch on to any opportunity handed out by their 'opponents' for more power to themselves when they take the reins in Parliament......... once any idea that hands control to government of any issue is in, it is never out ...... well - I happen to disagree on mandate and always have.....
Government are responsible to the people who elected them - they are not THE power in the land.... and their recent history here has shown more than adequate reason to reject their taking control of this issue.
Power To The People...