There are two important reasons to vote NO in the SSM plebiscite if it proceeds, both concern ‘dishonesty’ on the part of the Canberra political class. Firstly, Bill Shorten, Penny Wong, Tanya Plibersek and Richard Di Natali attempted to shut down free speech on this issue when they launched their SSM campaign by adopting a ‘blatantly dishonest’ lexicon of ‘politically correct’ language to force a change to the ‘institution of marriage’ on a majority heterosexual community on behalf of what is a minor group of individuals.
They shot free speech in the foot by vilifying anyone who disagreed with their proposal – calling those who disagreed ‘bigots’ and ‘homophobes’.
This is not a strategy designed to win a cause, it’s a strategy that has alienated thousands of married heterosexual couples and many religious groups.
Secondly Liberals Warren Entsch, Tim Wilson, Jason Wood, John Alexander, Trent Zimmerman, Trevor Evans and senator Dean Smith attempted to torpedo the plebiscite in the House because they are against a people’s vote;
clearly the 7 ‘self-absorbed’ rainbow warriors think that a tenth order issue like SSM is more important than
fixing a budget mired in debt;
overhauling a national broadcaster that acts as the front office for Labor and the Greens,
mending a Third World communication system;
overhauling an education system going backwards;
dealing with energy prices going through the roof;
ensuring that young families are not priced out of the housing market;
fixing infrastructure that is slowing productivity;
revamping a Federal system of government that is seriously ‘broken’ and being undermined by rent seeking Premiers like Jay Wetherill who want their inefficiently run economies bailed out by taxpayers in other states.
Furthermore the 7 marriage rebels are clearly in lock step with the Labor/Greens SSM PC campaign even though they were voted into power on the promise they upheld government policy to hold a plebiscite – the dishonesty and ‘self-interest’ of the 7 marriage rebels is telling.
Archbishop Glenn Davies hit the nail on the head weeks ago when he said the current Canberra political class has so tainted the SSM debate that an objective discussion is beyond the capabilities of the parliament.
Voters need to register their disapproval of the Labor/Greens PC orchestrated SSM campaign by voting ‘no’ in the plebiscite – this PC tactic is only one of several attempts to shut down free speech on other issues. Also, their disapproval of the 7 Liberals who tried to deny the people a vote.
And voters in the electorates of the 7 should be calling for their dis-endorsement for the upcoming election!
Labor gave everyone a free vote in 2012 - and 40 of their MPs crossed the floor to vote against SSM. 17 of those MPs are still in parliament such as Husic, Burke and Fitzgibbon. Have they all changed their minds?