By Robert Spencer on Sep 01, 2017 12:24 pm
Sweden: Man convicted of eating bacon in front of three Muslims, must pay each $625, plus $1125 fine
What would have happened if he had been drinking a beer?
Five years in prison?
Amputation of the hand? In Sharia Sweden, you never know.
A 53-year-old man from Stockholm has been convicted of offending three women wearing headscarves on the shuttle between Väsby and Märsta.
The man held up bacon and ate it in front of them while saying he hated Muslims.
The man was charged with disproportionate hatred against the public, but was not convicted of that charge.
The headscarf-wearing women alerted police to the fact that on a train in April 2015, he held bacon up to their faces and ate it in front of them, and then said “I hate Muslims, I hate Negroes.
Denies crimesThe man will pay each of the three women 5,000 kronor [$625] in damages.
In addition, he will pay 9000 kronor [$1125] in fines.
The man denies the deeds and said he only wanted to eat his bacon.