mothra wrote on Sep 9
th, 2017 at 5:26pm:
greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 9
th, 2017 at 5:22pm:
mothra wrote on Sep 9
th, 2017 at 5:17pm:
I honestly wonder how people so utterly clueless function.
As do I.
I read what people like Valkie, The Mechanic, Booby, BigHole, Frank,
et al. right in here, and wonder how they manage to get through the day.
How do they get jobs?
How do they fill in tax returns?
How do they do banking, or shopping, etc.
So very,
very clueless.
Not to mention they are usually so damn
I wonder if that is because they are in a perpetual state of confusion as a result of being challenged by everyday functioning?
You probably "think" that was funny.
Or you "think" that you have a point.
Sadly my dear, its you that has difficulty functioning in a normal world.
What is your IQ.
I can tell you mine is pretty good.
I am an engineer, with degrees and diplomas in management, engineering and fluid dynamics.
I am employed to go into companes and get them functioning at a much higher level.
Ever heard of a troubleshooter?
Ever been head hunted, in your life?
You may "think" but inreality you quite simply "dont have a clue".
Try living in the real world, its fun.
Im not angry about them.
I simply feel very very sad that their mental illness is not being addressed.
With help, they might just be able to FUNCTION in the normal world.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it luvvie