tickleandrose wrote on Sep 4
th, 2017 at 1:28pm:
Sprintcyclist wrote on Sep 3
rd, 2017 at 8:14pm:
If you value men being men and women being women, vote NO.
If you want boys to be boys and girls to be girls, vote NO.
If you want a future where you are allowed to think for yourself, vote NO.
Do not listen to the above.
A man is not less of a man if he loves a man.
A woman is not less of a woman if she loves a woman.
If you want a future where you are allowed to think for yourself, and not be caged in by some outdated 'tradition' - that was also made by humans, then you should vote a resounding YES.
they are certainly a strange man or woman to want to have sex with their own kind.
this is not about love.
normal real men do love other normal real men.
I love my brothers
if strange people want to hijack centuries old traditions to bend those traditions to suit their own strange kinks, they can't.
the homos can invent their own traditions.
we have offered a civil union certificate.
they don't like that, invent your own