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Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia (Read 1133 times)
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Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Sep 4th, 2017 at 11:44am

Putin recently reminded his cabinet that he paid off the Rothschild’s debt and “grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and kicked them out Russia’s back door.”

This meeting featured the President pounding his fist on the table and vowing to destroy the New World Order, and according to a Kremlin source Putin is making great strides towards this goal.

“They do not own the world, and they do not have carte blanch to do whatever they want. If we do not challenge them there will be other issues. We will not be bullied by them.”

A keen student of history, well versed in world affairs, the Russian President has studied the history of the world’s most elusive organisation and understands the central role their financial collaborators have played in fomenting the major international conflicts of the 20th century.

Now they want to plunge us into World War III.

The New World Order’s invasive roots and branches keep spreading around the world, but President Putin has stopped them expanding into Russia. This is a major blow to their plans for world domination and now they view him as a real threat. He’s got them running scared, which is why he is degraded in the Western media at every opportunity.

The reality is that Putin is leading us towards a multi-polar world, far from the one government, one religion future plotted by the New World Order. When he took his forces into Syria to protect a sovereign state he further enhanced his reputation as a powerful leader.

People around the world have started to wake up and notice.
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Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #1 - Sep 4th, 2017 at 11:47am
YOu are kidding, right?
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #2 - Sep 4th, 2017 at 11:53am
Vladimir Putin to George Soros: Thank God we kicked you out of Russia

F. William Engdahl: “George Soros, the hedge fund speculator turned self-proclaimed philanthropist, and his tax-exempt foundations, are an integral part of that pre-emptive war machine."

Jim W. Dean says that George Soros is obviously “the man who refuses to die and join his victims.” Vladimir Putin would almost certainly agree with that statement.

Russia kicked Soros out of the country last year for good reasons.[1] It was Soros who helped ruin the Russian and Polish economy in the early 1990s.[2] Like the great white shark who can forcibly copulate with a female, Soros moves around and looks for his prey virtually everywhere. Matt Taibbi of the Rolling Stone said of Goldman Sachs six years ago:

“The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.

“In fact, the history of the recent financial crisis, which doubles as a history of the rapid decline and fall of the suddenly swindled dry American empire, reads like a Who’s Who of Goldman Sachs graduates.”[3]

Obviously Soros wants to be like Goldman Sachs. Phil Butler puts it well when he says: “George Soros has a finger in every political pie there is. If there is a crisis on our world, it’s a safe bet he’s had a hand in it.”

One can say that Soros and Goldman Sachs are ideologically part of the same brotherhood. Their strategy is a little different, but the end result is the destruction of lives via the economic system (be it capitalism or socialism) and political manipulation.


“Don’t worry, sheriff. Soros is mine. Get your 1,000,000 ready.”

That’s why Soros seems to think that he is invincible. He thinks he can move the political and economic planet in a few blinks of an eye and no one can tell him to stop. In fact, he writes books such as The Alchemy of Finance. Soros thinks he can kill political stability throughout Europe and indeed in America with no challenge.

Soros is certainly old, but he doesn’t want to be obsolete. His organization has recently been caught conducting covert operations designed to destabilize Russia. Here is an interesting quote from the leaked files of Soros’ Open Society Foundation:

“Our inclination is to engage in activities and with actors that will understand and counter Russian support to movements defending traditional values…Naming and shaming from us is problematic: we are also in the business of channeling money into other countries for political purposes.”

Now we’re talking! Now we’re seeing Soros’ true colors. All the talk about helping so-called Syrian refugees,[4] about rescuing Ukrainians,[5] about so-called “civil rights,” about bringing “democracy” in Russia, was a smokescreen.

According to Butler, this was all Soros’ own infection.[6] Soros wanted to bring down Russia’s traditional families. He wanted to turn Russia into a zoo, but he had to use terms such as “democracy” to deceive the masses.

So, when Soros wrote last February that “Putin is a bigger threat to Europe’s existence than Isis,” he was marshalling his own diabolical plan, which arguably is consistent or congruent with what the Khazarian Mafia and their lackeys have been doing over the centuries. In fact, the Neoconservatives like Noah Rothman of Commentary continue to sing the ideological tune that “Russia is not your friend.”
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #3 - Sep 4th, 2017 at 12:00pm

Good, Putin has not accepted Soros.

He has done this to protect his own people
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #4 - Sep 4th, 2017 at 12:28pm
Wise move by Putin

Note that Russia paid the debt owing to the international banker first, didn't default on their loans. Russia has full sovereign right to manage their own financial affairs if they wish, without continually paying billions in interest to a foreign blood sucking banking family
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red baron
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #5 - Sep 4th, 2017 at 1:16pm
The Rothchilds are a part of the oligarchys that control the money of the world along with the Goldman Sachs and about another four or five major players

Currently, the most recognizable figures in the public eye are typically celebrities, and the most hated are those involved in banking and politics. If you combine the two, that pretty much sums up the exact essence that is the Rothschild dynasty, and their deepest darkest secrets have been pretty well hidden, until now.

With an impossible amount of money and power worldwide, their influence has also spread like wildfire throughout the known world. However, the Rothschild family has maintained their secrecy in many aspects, and as time has passed much of their influence has left the open spotlight.

What people do know is that they were the world richest family and that they are natives of Europe. The secrecy that surrounds this powerful family has been for good reason, as their closets are littered with some of the most disturbing skeletons that have ever existed. This dark legacy of secrecy is their true legacy, and we have composed a list of some of the most skin-crawling secrets known among the ones who have sought their exposure.

As the way of many rich and elite families, they sometimes tend to think that it is unsafe to bring in outside bloodlines in fear of losing their power and monetary securities. By marrying each other, they ensured that only they were able to put hands on the family money, and in their minds, this was the safest financial strategy to take.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild spearheaded this entire movement of incest, and to ensure that this plan was kept up properly, he limited the options of his family members when it came to marriage if they wanted to receive their large inheritance. The only way to make sure they received their due share of the family money was by marrying their own cousins.

Money, a driver of evil, greed, and pretty much all of the worst deeds that can be done in the universe, played a major role in this family. Amchel once said, “Give me control of the economics of a country, and I care not who makes her laws.”
Basically, as long as they had enough money, they could do whatever their hearts desired. And many of them did have enough money to place themselves above kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, and whatever ruler was currently in place in any given vicinity. The power they have collected and owned is actually quite impressive.

Many would still argue that to this very day the price of gold is decided upon by the Rothschilds. In 2004, Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Sons pulled out of the gold business, and any other precious metals, and in turn gave their spot to Barclays. Their say in the price of gold began back in 1919 when 5 leading traders in the banking industry met twice a day to set the price.

This provided the family with quite a bit of power, especially those who still held on to their gold as assets. Between 1919-2004 these meetings were held each day at the N M Rothschild and Sons offices. However, many allegations have arisen since then, stating that they were still fixing the price.

The Federal Reserve is a bank that is privately owned and also the location in which the United States holds all of its money. New York city is where one of the major US Federal Reserve banks is located, although its owners are found outside of the country. Both the Rothschilds and the Rockefeller families have been believed to have a major influence on what goes on inside of the US Federal Reserve.
Their interests in the Federal Reserve, however, has been widely debated. Many claim they have as much power in western society as the governments if not more, and by owning all of the major banks throughout the world, well a secret that this family thought they could keep.

This is yet another debated secret that will continue to be debated until the end of the world: various witnesses and visitors in their home claim that their family is filled with worshipers of Satan. These same witnesses state that the family even sets a spot at the dinner table for the devil himself, allowing no one to sit in it. Although the reports have been numerous, this fact is still hard to confirm entirely.
To further add to these claims, many of the family members would sign their names on to documents with the Seal of Solomon. Although this symbol is generally regarded as a Jewish symbol, it was not currently the official symbol at the time. However, many magicians and Satanists have been known for the use of the symbol, and because of this, the debate may never end.

Although you may have heard various conspiracy theories about secret societies such as the Illuminati and Freemasons, it typically boils down to the Rothschild family. We can’t truly tell whether they have embraced the rumors or if they are sitting back and laughing at said allegations, however, it could be that they truly do have an interest in the secret underworld and its finances.
Stemming from World War 1, the allegations started when the family was present for a treaty signed at the end when people reported that a part of this treaty included them taking over the Bavarian Illuminate that was founded in 1776. Since these societies are created and thrive in secrecy, we may never uncover the truth.

With control over more than half the money in circulation currently, they are the ones with the ability to fund the majority of the major wars occurring wit
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« Last Edit: Sep 4th, 2017 at 1:41pm by red baron »  
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red baron
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #6 - Sep 4th, 2017 at 1:42pm
With control over more than half the money in circulation currently, they are the ones with the ability to fund the majority of the major wars occurring within the past 200 years. They have maintained this ability by lending their money to governments rather than individuals, which furthered the power they held thus making them the most powerful family in the history of the world.
As lending money makes money, it provided them with mass profits when they funded various war efforts. Especially considering further loans were necessary to rebuild after the wars were over.

Photographs from 1972 do not help much in regard to the rumors of a connection to the Illuminati. Invitations that were sent in reverse, making it necessary to use a mirror to view them, and then red lights surrounding the party making things even stranger. Animal themed headdress, along with masks with multiple faces made things even stranger. Many of the photos would mimic a modern day horror show, which provides an indication of just how weird these parties truly were. Salvador Dali was considered a family friend, and maybe that could explain the interest and fascination with birdcages.

Without a doubt, this family is the richest in the history of the world. Although individually they aren’t typically listed in Forbes, when combined as a family, they are still quite rich. Through assets, they have an estimated net worth around $350 billion.
Many still estimate that they are financially the world’s leader with over $1 trillion in net worth. With members that are worth $50 billion (Jacob Rothschild) and $20 billion (Sir Evelyn De Rothschild), it is hard to believe that their total net worth is only $350 billion.
After the battle of Waterloo, Nathan Rothschild essentially owned all of England’s finances. With connections, he was able to get word that this battle was not entirely a lost cause, however, everyone else had considered that it would probably devastate the country.

By selling all his bonds in the British government from there, he caused many to do the same. This dropped the price down to almost nothing. Once they had dropped so low, he bought back all of his bonds, along with everyone else’s that had been sold. The power that came with that is unimaginable.

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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #7 - Sep 4th, 2017 at 1:54pm
Bias_2012 wrote on Sep 4th, 2017 at 12:28pm:
Wise move by Putin

Note that Russia paid the debt owing to the international banker first, didn't default on their loans. Russia has full sovereign right to manage their own financial affairs if they wish, without continually paying billions in interest to a foreign blood sucking banking family

the more I hear about putin, the more I am impressed
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Captain Caveman
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #8 - Sep 8th, 2017 at 10:43am
I hope Putin destroys the NWO. Best thing that could happen tou our planet.
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Prime Minister for Canyons
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #9 - Sep 8th, 2017 at 12:22pm
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In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

No evidence whatsoever it can be attributed to George Orwell or Eric Arthur Blair (in fact the same guy)
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #10 - Sep 9th, 2017 at 8:22am
More than 140,000 Americans sign petition against George Soros, but will it make a difference?


A petition to the White House calling for Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros to be declared a 'terrorist' has garnered more than 140,000 signatures, far exceeding the 100,000 needed to require an official response from the administration.
The petition, which also calls on the government to seize all of Soros’ assets, argues the billionaire “has willfully and on an ongoing basis attempted to destabilize and otherwise commit acts of sedition” against the United States. Also that he “has developed unhealthy and undue influence over the entire Democrat Party and a large portion of the US Federal government.”
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Re: Putin Bans British Rothschilds From Russia
Reply #11 - Sep 9th, 2017 at 8:36am
Rothschilds are German you thick bastard......oh yes and they're Jewish.........
(not that there's anything wrong with that...being Jewish).
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Life's Journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting,
"Holy Sh!t ... What a Ride!"
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