John Smith wrote on Sep 8
th, 2017 at 6:24pm:
This is at least 2 yrs old now- more senationlist topics about rape- why?
It was pretty horrible- but dont rehash old news- what is the point? As if we dont get enough nasty topics about these assaults- and they always descend into nastiness- and you know it-
RIP to the victim- I am sure you wouldnt want your story used this way- respect to the victim-
Failure to pursue and prosecute crime in this nation is endemic... it is all far too much in the hands of bureaucrats, who are in the hands of their political masters, and in turn those political masters are in the hands of their own 'mates'....
This leads to a total failure of JUSTICE - in many ways.
You can add to that the absolute inability and unwillingness of the 'courts' to find properly on evidence.. and that works many ways.
I've told you before - my cousin's husband was a top gun in the NSW DPP, and is now a Deputy Commonwealth DPP... wouldn't give his judgement and perception one iota......
I deal in a different world.... a world in which people are judged by the results of their actions, and by the way they approach things..... not by their position.... out here we have no time for that....
Politics has no place in Law....
I'm certain Red Baron will say the same....