Captain Nemo wrote on Apr 16
th, 2019 at 9:35am:
Another advantage of being an atheist. No god, no Sin, no Satan, no demons.
I might have written your post if things hadn't happened. And yes, it would be relaxing to simply live life and leave it at that. A lot of nice people, helpful, friendly, willing volunteers, good neighbours, etc. profess to have no belief in other than the material world
Other people do devote considerable time to pondering what came before, what comes after. Some of them were religiously raised so their adult spiritual leanings are a continuation. Others come to it as result of what they've picked up through life and there are those who've had one or more experiences which have forced them to the belief there is more than mere here and now. It's said, and I believe it, that whether or not we're spiritually inclined, we're all brought to spirit after death. Stands to reason that if a human draws the short-straw genetically and otherwise, they can't be held responsible for their life's actions by any reasonable god. Humans are far more judgemental and again, they can't be blamed because it's what we humans
are -- we're judgemental, vicious, petty, tribal, etc. Add to humans' genetic flaws big dollops of religion with its 'shalt/shalt not' theme and we get what we have
add to that again precognition, which is very much a reality, and we should be even less inclined to judge others. But most have no experience of precognition and do not believe it. Even those who've experienced irrefutable precognition first or second hand dismiss it as coincidence, so the lesson is ignored and forgotten
but, if the vast majority did acknowledge the reality of precognition, what a difference it would make, because instead of judging the individual for his actions, people would be forced in many cases to accept that those actions were predestined by something/someone else, reasons unknown. As it is, it's often attributed to karma (as used by Westerners)
It's now being speculated that the world as we see it is a simulation. Creation of a simulation requires intelligence, forethought, a design, etc. But those who've experienced precognition have been forced to that conclusion already (
and I'm referring to the intelligent use of the term precognition, i.e., the accurate foretelling of a coming event) because for a human to be 'advised' (
as a dream, vision, strong hunch) of a coming event in a world in which Time is believed to travel in a continuum of past, present and future, precognition demands the precognitive human to work things out for himself. And that precognitive human is forced to accept that something/someone is running the show, pulling the strings. And whatever that something/someone is, it's obviously intelligent and highly organised, as is obvious within intricacies and complexity demanded by precognition
I was forced to that conclusion a few decades ago, through several instances of accurate precognition (which I'd reported to others prior to the event occurring in real-time). And at first, the ego fights and rebels, because precognition reveals that we are not making our 'own' decisions, we are not masters of our ship -- instead, we're puppets who harbour the delusion that our life is ours to design. We're eventually forced to accept and what emerges is that there is undeniably some sort of plan in which we humans are mere actors, reading scripts, moving from one to another places on the stage
we don't know what's running the show or who are the directors and producers, script-writers, etc. All along, we've been calling them God. Now it's speculated that God is a computer programme and that life is a simulation, etc. We're just conceited actors who've relegated God to existing (
or not) backstage, to be called upon in times of emergency (
when we forget our lines, when the curtain crashes down unexpectedly, etc.)
Who's to know if agnostics/atheists are simply part of the programme? Satin and the demons too. Mass extinctions. Plagues. Wars, etc. My kids used to play computer games very much like that when they were younger and they behaved like little gods, wiping out thousands and rebuilding, pitting one army against the other. I found it unsettling to see how coldly they did it. And if I said it was disturbing, they replied, 'It's only a game'.
The scenarios in which we engage throughout life are often complex and seemingly cruel. For good reason humans through time have raised their fists to the skies and cursed their gods. It's not unreasonable to suggest that humans have always believed someone/something was responsible, was pulling their strings, and they named that which they believed was responsible, 'god' (by whatever name)
To my mind, it would take a lot of effort to get through life without sensing something was driving or fouling my path so hats off to you
As to possession of humans by things unknown (and I've seen it take place and have seen the possessing entity) we must ask the identity of the possessing entities. Are they sent abroad or on a certain path by a master demon, or are they deceased humans? I suspect both