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Why Capitalism Rocks (Read 4272 times)
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #15 - Oct 25th, 2017 at 7:43pm
aquascoot wrote on Oct 25th, 2017 at 10:27am:
capitalism is a "meritocracy". 

WTF sort of world would it be if you got out of bed in the morning and you didnt have anything to strive for.

that would be a living hell  Cry Cry Cry

Yet an huge proportion of the worlds wealth is inherited by people who do just that.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #16 - Oct 25th, 2017 at 7:50pm
The flawed Pure capitalism only marginally out stayed pure socialism because in reality pure capitalism has never existed. They were always mixed with enough socialist elements to make it a better system and socialist systems seemed to be able to more completely eradicate capitalist elements which weakened them.

Capitalism's staggering stuttering survival is more to do with its socialist components than its capitalist flaws.

In the pure form they are both terrible options.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #17 - Oct 25th, 2017 at 8:18pm
Dnarever wrote on Oct 25th, 2017 at 7:50pm:
The flawed Pure capitalism only marginally out stayed pure socialism because in reality pure capitalism has never existed. They were always mixed with enough socialist elements to make it a better system and socialist systems seemed to be able to more completely eradicate capitalist elements which weakened them.

Capitalism's staggering stuttering survival is more to do with its socialist components than its capitalist flaws.

In the pure form they are both terrible options.

You need pure capitalism for small business then the bigger a business gets the more Govt intervention required.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #18 - Oct 25th, 2017 at 8:26pm
Gordon wrote on Oct 25th, 2017 at 8:18pm:
Dnarever wrote on Oct 25th, 2017 at 7:50pm:
The flawed Pure capitalism only marginally out stayed pure socialism because in reality pure capitalism has never existed. They were always mixed with enough socialist elements to make it a better system and socialist systems seemed to be able to more completely eradicate capitalist elements which weakened them.

Capitalism's staggering stuttering survival is more to do with its socialist components than its capitalist flaws.

In the pure form they are both terrible options.

You need pure capitalism for small business then the bigger a business gets the more Govt intervention required.

Never seen a government that didn't throw money at small business but it never seems to be enough. We continually hear about how tough it is for small business and see their hand going out again and again for more more more no sorry but that isn't enough.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #19 - Jan 19th, 2024 at 11:54am
aquascoot wrote on Oct 25th, 2017 at 7:35am:

Awesome summary from Petersen.

One from Milei:
And throughout the whole period between the year zero and the year 1800, the per capita GDP growth rate remains stable at around 0.02% annually. So almost no growth. Starting in the 19th century with the Industrial Revolution, the compound annual growth rate was 0.66%. And at that rate, in order to double per capita GDP, you would need some 107 years.

Now, if you look at the period between the year 1900 and the year 1950, the growth rate accelerated to 1.66% a year. So you no longer need 107 years to double per capita GDP – but 66. And if you take the period between 1950 and the year 2000, you will see that the growth rate was 2.1%, which would mean that in only 33 years we could double the world’s per capita GDP.

This trend, far from stopping, remains well alive today. If we take the period between the years 2000 and 2023, the growth rate again accelerated to 3% a year, which means that we could double world per capita GDP in just 23 years.

That said, when you look at per capita GDP since the year 1800 until today, what you will see is that after the Industrial Revolution, global per capita GDP multiplied by over 15 times, which meant a boom in growth that lifted 90% of the global population out of poverty.

We should remember that by the year 1800, about 95% of the world’s population lived in extreme poverty. And that figure dropped to 5% by the year 2020, prior to the pandemic. The conclusion is obvious.

Far from being the cause of our problems, free trade capitalism as an economic system is the only instrument we have to end hunger, poverty and extreme poverty across our planet. The empirical evidence is unquestionable.

Therefore since there is no doubt that free enterprise capitalism is superior in productive terms, the left-wing doxa has attacked capitalism, alleging matters of morality, saying – that’s what the detractors claim – that it’s unjust. They say that capitalism is evil because it’s individualistic and that collectivism is good because it’s altruistic. Of course, with the money of others.

So they therefore advocate for social justice. But this concept, which in the developed world became fashionable in recent times, in my country has been a constant in political discourse for over 80 years. The problem is that social justice is not just, and it doesn’t contribute to general well-being.

Quite on the contrary, it’s an intrinsically unfair idea because it’s violent. It’s unjust because the state is financed through tax and taxes are collected coercively. Or can any one of us say that we voluntarily pay taxes? This means that the state is financed through coercion and that the higher the tax burden, the higher the coercion and the lower the freedom.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #20 - Jan 19th, 2024 at 12:06pm

Casino Capitalism and the Derivatives Market: Time for Another ‘Lehman Moment’?

Any major black swan event could prick the massive derivatives bubble, which the Bank for International Settlements put at over one quadrillion (1,000 trillion) dollars as far back as 2008. With global GDP at only $100 trillion, there is not enough money in the world to satisfy all these derivative claims. A derivative crisis helped trigger the 2008 banking collapse, and that could happen again.

...the greed-based capitalist casino, divorced from the real economy and the workers depending on it.   

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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #21 - Jan 19th, 2024 at 12:08pm
Jasin wrote on Oct 25th, 2017 at 5:03pm:
Capitalism has its flaws.
I would have felt much safer travelling around the USSR than the Russia of today with it's Capitalist ways.
As long as I adhered to the Soviet rules - all would have been fine.
Now - it's far more dangerous than the USA.
I had a mate who has travelled many dangerous countries, but as he walked out of the Airport in Moscow, he turned straight back in and could tell that Russia is NOT a safe place at all. He said that just going through the Airport, he could tell that it was just one big Mafia-like run nation now.
That day, 3 backpackers were murdered on their first day of arrival - taken down an alleyway by a Taxi where other's met them, shot them and stole everything they had.

What you see on TV is a 'happy Russia' that is promoting a great existence now that it has changed to the 'American way'. What you don't see is a nation of chaos, anarchy, despondency, murder, corruption, prostitution rife, drugs, alcohol damage and much more. I can understand why so many Russians are trying to come to Australia - just ask any of them that are piling into Queanbeyan how bad it is over there.

At least with the Soviet Union - everyone had a job. Sure, it might not be your choice job. But you were at least employed and any hardship was mostly brought on by Sanctions brought upon by the USA.

Out with Communism and in with Chaos!
Sure, many Russians are becoming 'rich' - but it is at the cost of many becoming destitute (and dead).

Will Australia head that way too?
Will our Egalitarian 'shared wealth' middle-class be torn apart by a minority of super over-indulgent wealthy and an explosion of millions of people living in destitution to pay for it??

Good post, good observations.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #22 - Feb 1st, 2024 at 1:09pm
10 Signs You're Poor In A Capitalist Country

Capitalism is a brutal system in which people can freely trade goods and services. Sadly, it is the poor who suffer most under capitalism, but it can be slightly hard to detect.

Here are ten signs you're poor in a capitalist system:

1. Instead of a mansion, you live in a 2-bedroom ranch-style home: You're basically homeless.

2. Only have a two-car garage: All the junk you store in your garage has left no room for the Volvo.
3. You only have a 55-inch TV: And the recommended size for the viewing distance in your living room is a 75-inch. Sad.

4. You can only afford to leave the minimum tip on your DoorDash order: Now you're making someone else poor.

5. When you visit Disneyland it's via a single-day one-park pass: You'll never get to ride Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure.

6. Instead of an in-ground, you have a lame above-ground pool: What an eyesore.

7. Had to cancel your Paramount+ subscription, leaving you with just Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Peacock, HBO Max, and AppleTV as viewing options: Is this even Australia/America/your Western capitalist country here?

8. You took out $120,000 in student loans to get a worthless degree in horse whispering: You don't even own any horses.

9. Your French Bulldogs have to wear off-brand sweater vests instead of a designer peacock ball gown worth $94,000: Unthinkable.

10. You can't afford to get rid of your Tesla even though you hate Elon Musk: Everyone at Whole Foods thinks you support him now.

If any of these describe your life; we're sorry you're poor.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #23 - Feb 1st, 2024 at 1:39pm
The other thing I don't like about Capitalism, is that it is a Predatory system. It serves only to advantage the Predators (Carnivores so to speak) over Prey (Herbivores). So if you happen to be a Herbivore of 'Peace', then Capitalism is going to work against you. What you see in the USA is that the only way to get ahead in Capitalism is to 'prey upon' other people. In other words - Capitalism: Destroy the Competition, because it can't compete fairly with Competition. It's as simple as that. That's why 'all entities' in America, who claim to be about Equality, Peace, Love, etc, etc - are all truly Predatory in their nature: to succeed off the backs and sufferings, misfortunes, poverty (because the Deepest Pocket wins, not the truths of the matter even in a Court of Law) and pacifisms.

The only 'flaw' of Communism I can see is that it falls into the Northern Hemisphere trait of Politics saying its for 'the People' (of many different entities other than Political or outside of it) - when it truly isn't. It's only for the 'people' inside Politics itself.
Lenin may have made Communism 'for the People' (Peasants, etc) - but once it had attained its right to power, it too became another Political style/theme that folded back on itself to be for the Party or the People in Politics directly. Thus the peasantry and mainstream people were again under an Oppressive minority of Power that predated off those not directly in it.
Same with such things like Roman Republic (Re-Public) and all the other Political styles around the world structured on the Northern Hemisphere trait. Never truly ruled by 'the People' as a 'majority', but again by a minority of 'People' in the Political 'zone'.

In South America. There are many 'businesses' that are actually owned and run by the 'Workers' and their CEO's and Managers, etc - work for them. What this does is it keeps the Workers employed, their jobs going and the businesses run by 'the People' indeed. They have the last word, not the CEO's. This is just one true and pure example of what a Southern Hemisphere Political environment would be.

I have no doubt if Communism came about in the Southern Hemisphere like Australia via Egalitarianism (which has been corrupted into the Northern Hemisphere style - which is why Egalitarianism here has all but dissapeared from here now, as it once was). It would indeed be a state of existence where the mainstream people of majority do run the Political future of this country and the Party of Representatives for that - would be the Servants, not the Rulers. The final decision would not be left in the hands of a wealthy minority - because the Wealth would be spread out among the Common populace like a Commonwealth in its truest form.

Capitalism: Destroy the Competition (not compete fairly with them).

Of course, anyone in Politics as you see it (especially under Capitalism) would say that by REALLY making Politics 'for THE PEOPLE' of the mainstream populace. It would dis-empower Politics as the wealth would not be funnelled towards a Minority, but spread out among the majority. Politics would cease to exist as a 'Power'.
Well Politically speaking yes - but it empowers the 'many' over the 'few' which is what Northern Hemisphere Politics does.

Wouldn't it be nice if Albanese walked into a Factory of Workers (Proles, Plebs, Peasantry, etc) and said "Hi!"  Smiley
Only for them to say "Where's our wage increase you *****. If we don't see it in a week - you're a dead man to be replaced!" Angry
Poor Albanese would finally have a 'consequence' for not serving 'the People' (of majority).  Wink
Would Albanese state "But, but - if I do that, then our Political minority will be less empowered to a quality of life higher/better than your own!" Sad
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« Last Edit: Feb 1st, 2024 at 1:49pm by Jasin »  

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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #24 - Feb 1st, 2024 at 1:50pm
Frank wrote on Feb 1st, 2024 at 1:09pm:
10 Signs You're Poor In A Capitalist Country

Capitalism is a brutal system in which people can freely trade goods and services. Sadly, it is the poor who suffer most under capitalism, but it can be slightly hard to detect.

Your low IQ is showing: outcomes in capitalist  countries depend on the quality of the dominant economic orthodoxy.


"By the 1950s, Keynesian policies were adopted by almost the entire developed world and similar measures for a mixed economy were used by many developing nations. By then, Keynes's views on the economy had become mainstream in the world's universities. Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, the developed and emerging free capitalist economies enjoyed exceptionally high growth and low unemployment.[71][72] Professor Gordon Fletcher has written that the 1950s and 1960s, when Keynes's influence was at its peak, appear in retrospect as a golden age of capitalism.[54]

In late 1965 Time magazine ran a cover article with a title comment from Milton Friedman (later echoed by US President Richard Nixon), "We are all Keynesians now". The article described the exceptionally favourable economic conditions then prevailing and reported that "Washington's economic managers scaled these heights by their adherence to Keynes's central theme: the modern capitalist economy does not automatically work at top efficiency, but can be raised to that level by the intervention and influence of the government." The article also states that Keynes was one of the three most important economists who ever lived, and that his General Theory was more influential than the magna opera of other famous economists, such as Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations.[73]

Here are ten signs you're poor in a capitalist system:

Low IQ confirmed: actual homelessness, payday to payday/chronic financial stress existence, cost of living crises, and institutionalized, poverty-level welfare dependency are all too obvious under  today's dominant neo-classical othodoxy, cf the Keynesian welfare state/ public housing etc during "capitalism's golden age".

Even Allegra Spender in one of Oz's richest electorates wants  government funding methods seriously changed.   

1. Instead of a mansion, you live in a 2-bedroom ranch-style home: You're basically homeless.

Blind, hopeless, greedy, low IQ - the whole catastrophe of conservatism on display.

You are homeless when living in a tent, or a car,  or sleeping in public places, or couch surfing.

The rest of your post is (naturally)  GIGO. 

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« Last Edit: Feb 1st, 2024 at 1:56pm by thegreatdivide »  
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #25 - Feb 1st, 2024 at 8:00pm

........... the exceptionally favourable economic conditions then prevailing and reported that "Washington's economic managers scaled these heights by their adherence to Keynes's central theme: the modern capitalist economy does not automatically work at top efficiency, but can be raised to that level by the intervention and influence of the government." The article also states that Keynes was one of the three most important economists who ever lived, and that his General Theory was more influential than the magna opera of other famous economists, such as Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations         ..............

yes, I think a moderated Capitalist system is best
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Modern Classic Right Wing
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #26 - Apr 19th, 2024 at 12:27pm

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #27 - Apr 19th, 2024 at 12:48pm
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #28 - Apr 19th, 2024 at 6:08pm
aquascoot wrote on Oct 25th, 2017 at 7:35am:

Good to see you back into capitalism, Aquascoot. It was touch and go for a while there, no?

What with your tariffs and trade wars and building walls and all that, it's nice to see you come back to the Superior Man and his fridge.

We need to bow down and weep tears of pure gratitude, yes? Pfizer, Monsanto, Facebook, Amazon, Google and all their friends.

Totally awesome.
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Re: Why Capitalism Rocks
Reply #29 - Apr 19th, 2024 at 6:12pm
Karnal wrote on Apr 19th, 2024 at 6:08pm:
aquascoot wrote on Oct 25th, 2017 at 7:35am:

Good to see you back into capitalism, Aquascoot. It was touch and go for a while there, no?

What with your tariffs and trade wars and building walls and all that, it's nice to see you come back to the Superior Man and his fridge.

We need to bow down and weep tears of pure gratitude, yes? Pfizer, Monsanto, Facebook, Amazon, Google and all their friends.

Totally awesome.

Oh look - 2017.

Silly old moi, eh?
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