The other thing I don't like about Capitalism, is that it is a Predatory system. It serves only to advantage the Predators (Carnivores so to speak) over Prey (Herbivores). So if you happen to be a Herbivore of 'Peace', then Capitalism is going to work against you. What you see in the USA is that the only way to get ahead in Capitalism is to 'prey upon' other people. In other words - Capitalism: Destroy the Competition, because it can't compete fairly with Competition. It's as simple as that. That's why 'all entities' in America, who claim to be about Equality, Peace, Love, etc, etc - are all truly Predatory in their nature: to succeed off the backs and sufferings, misfortunes, poverty (because the Deepest Pocket wins, not the truths of the matter even in a Court of Law) and pacifisms.
The only 'flaw' of Communism I can see is that it falls into the Northern Hemisphere trait of Politics saying its for 'the People' (of many different entities other than Political or outside of it) - when it truly isn't. It's only for the 'people' inside Politics itself.
Lenin may have made Communism 'for the People' (Peasants, etc) - but once it had attained its right to power, it too became another Political style/theme that folded back on itself to be for the Party or the People in Politics directly. Thus the peasantry and mainstream people were again under an Oppressive minority of Power that predated off those not directly in it.
Same with such things like Roman Republic (Re-Public) and all the other Political styles around the world structured on the Northern Hemisphere trait. Never truly ruled by 'the People' as a 'majority', but again by a minority of 'People' in the Political 'zone'.
In South America. There are many 'businesses' that are actually owned and run by the 'Workers' and their CEO's and Managers, etc - work for them. What this does is it keeps the Workers employed, their jobs going and the businesses run by 'the People' indeed. They have the last word, not the CEO's. This is just one true and pure example of what a Southern Hemisphere Political environment would be.
I have no doubt if Communism came about in the Southern Hemisphere like Australia via Egalitarianism (which has been corrupted into the Northern Hemisphere style - which is why Egalitarianism here has all but dissapeared from here now, as it once was). It would indeed be a state of existence where the mainstream people of majority do run the Political future of this country and the Party of Representatives for that - would be the Servants, not the Rulers. The final decision would not be left in the hands of a wealthy minority - because the Wealth would be spread out among the Common populace like a Commonwealth in its truest form.
Capitalism: Destroy the Competition (not compete fairly with them).
Of course, anyone in Politics as you see it (especially under Capitalism) would say that by REALLY making Politics 'for THE PEOPLE' of the mainstream populace. It would dis-empower Politics as the wealth would not be funnelled towards a Minority, but spread out among the majority. Politics would cease to exist as a 'Power'.
Well Politically speaking yes - but it empowers the 'many' over the 'few' which is what Northern Hemisphere Politics does.
Wouldn't it be nice if Albanese walked into a Factory of Workers (Proles, Plebs, Peasantry, etc) and said "Hi!"

Only for them to say
"Where's our wage increase you *****. If we don't see it in a week - you're a dead man to be replaced!" 
Poor Albanese would finally have a 'consequence' for not serving 'the People' (of majority).

Would Albanese state
"But, but - if I do that, then our Political minority will be less empowered to a quality of life higher/better than your own!"