freediver wrote on Apr 22
nd, 2024 at 12:02pm:
Quote:But it seems that the 'Rich' nations prefer women not to breed at all
Sometimes it seems that women have a mind of their own.
Yes - they're happy to chuck in having children to chase careers. Nothing wrong with that at all.
I mean - there's a huge increase in women needing 'sperm donors' as their biological clock ticks some sort of 'regret' in their mentality. One Sydney bus-driver has had to service at least 42 women (and his wife is proud of him) who suddenly decided their careers 'only' was not sufficient enough to make them feel 'full-filled'.
It is what it is. The Dark-Blue nations have chosen a 'child-free Zone' of existence as children cost too much in keeping up with that 'wealthy' culture that comes with it.
This is how they stay rich and dark-blue.
There is the extremism of financially poor but population rich nations.
And of financially rich but population poor nations (who need masses of immigration like what you see in USA and Australia - because their domestic population is 'gay' culturally).
Women have choice. They populate well in some parts of the world, they career well in other parts of the world.
Some women choose to have children and make some money as well without compromising themselves to any 'extreme'.