The US Senate needs this man:
Much ado has been made in recent political campaigns about identifying America’s biggest threat. Is it ISIS? Russia? China? North Korea?
Actually, the greatest threats to the United States and the preservation of its freedoms come from within, Republican Alabama Senate nominee Judge Roy Moore believes.
Moore became the GOP nominee for the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions, now U.S. attorney general, by defeating establishment-endorsed Luther Strange in the primary. He will face Democratic nominee Doug Jones in the Dec. 12 election.
Moore told WND the greatest threats are America’s domestic enemies: Marxists and Democratic leadership who are intent on expanding the role of the federal government and steering Americans away from belief in God.
“We’ve got more of a threat from the internal. That’s why the oath taken is to defend and protect America from all enemies [foreign] and domestic. We’ve got a lot of domestic enemies that are degrading our country and making us weak,” he said. “We are losing our structure of government. No foreign country will destroy us. We will be destroyed from within when we give up an understanding of the Constitution and how it restrains power all the way down to the people.
Moore emphasized “the people are the power of our government.”
“When we get back to that we will be a strong nation again,” he said. “When we forget our relationship to God, we forget our relationship to the only source of right and wrong, and when you do that you will become an immoral society. People are not recognizing this as a very important source of strength and security.”
The most important point Moore said he tries to convey to the American people, which the media misconstrues, is “the understanding of the relationship between God and our Constitution.”
. . . . Moore, a West Point graduate and an Army officer who served in Vietnam, argued that his understanding of and commitment to following constitutional principles has prepared him to confront America’s internal threats, and his military experience equips him to protect America from its external enemies.
“When you’ve been in the military, you know what the military does and what it needs to do its mission. That’s what West Point and my experience in the Army and in Vietnam did – it taught me what the military needs to accomplish its mission,” he said. “People that haven’t served in the military don’t know as much about combat and training. That’s a major difference between me and the candidates in this race.
“To annihilate terrorists, you have to know how to organize combat units. You have to know how to accomplish a mission, whether it’s terrorism or combat. I served five years – I served in Germany, in Vietnam and in parts of the United States – I understand the [chain] of command. Troops have to be trained properly,” he said. “That’s all needed when you pass legislation for the military. You have to know what you are there to support. My training has a lot to do with readiness.”
Democrats are intent on undermining the military, Moore asserted.
“The military was more of a social experience under the Obama administration. They don’t regard military readiness as they should,” he said. “We saw things like transgenderism in the military, and other things that just frankly do not identify with the things you need to know in the military. We certainly don’t need transgender troops because that decreases the morale of the troops and that decreases combat readiness