Panther wrote on Oct 31 st, 2017 at 4:45pm: longweekend58 wrote on Oct 31 st, 2017 at 8:38am: Panther wrote on Oct 31 st, 2017 at 8:17am: cods wrote on Oct 31 st, 2017 at 6:14am: AiA wrote on Oct 31 st, 2017 at 5:49am: cods wrote on Oct 31 st, 2017 at 5:42am: AiA wrote on Oct 30 th, 2017 at 9:17pm: US deaths due to
Guns during the peak of such deaths (1993): 40,000
HIV/AIDS during peak (1995): 43,000
Car crashes during peak (1972): 55,000
Vietnam War (1955-1975): 58,000
Drug overdoses (2016): 64,000 only one of those stats anywhere near up to date.....AiA.. whats the guns death in 2016... seems to me the mass killings in US have gone stark raving mad... look again cods: those stats are peaks which remain current until broken. see? so they are saying everything has improved accept DRUGS.....  everyday murder doesnt have a stat.... yet I would think most drug deaths are murder of some kind...what about suicide and numbers on those...I would think thats quite high for a country like yours??..... death after all is death.... its the ones that should never be.. like murder/drugs/drink driving/ that sort of death that should shock us... dont forget HIV and wars are not a US only problem... and HIV is on the in crease in some countries... someone needs to take a good hard look at the stats on some real only USA home grown issues. for instance death by cop...seems very much a home grown issue... well to me it does.. and then the mass deaths either by guns or bombing.....  that is almost an American thing isnt it? Less than 1/2 of 1% of Deaths by ALL Causes in the USA are actual gun homicides (bad guys murdering good guys).......with very little fluctuation down or up over the past decade, even though more & more Americans are carrying concealed firearms every day, & the number of firearms held by Americans are at an all time high....well over 300 million & growing.
Hell, if the emotional Left really wanted to actually do something related to firearm deaths, they would invest way more time & effort into resolving mental issues.......did you know that of all death by firearm in the USA, SUICIDE is the highest ......death by choice.....over 60% of all firearm deaths......focus on fixing that....not by removing the method, but by treating the illness...... 
Americans understand it's a fact of life that they've gotten used to.....it's an unfortunate price that has to be paid for the Freedoms they enjoy......they grieve, get over it, & move forward.....
Now, talk about deaths that can really be reduced......what about accidental death....by all causes (auto....poison....falls.....drownings.....legal & illegal drug overdoses....etc).....those need to be seriously addressed.....lower them down a percentage point or two, & you really have something!
Easy... Universal Health Care... Would save hundreds of thousands of lives, especially children. But you oppose that right? Because the notion of opposing an American policy is too obscene even while you live in a country that grants you that same policy. Amazing......why is it on 60 minutes, or Sunday Night, & so many other news & documentary type programs, why is it we hear so often that, for the most comprehensive, state of the art, top notch, cutting edge medical advancements & procedures, the people say they are going to America for the latest procedures, procedures that might give their child a chance to live, whereas if they don't go there it's certain misery & or death, because the treatments that work aren't available anywhere else at any price?
Monetary rewards are some of the best incentives leading up to fantastic discoveries & miracle cures!
Short term, & under strict restrictions based on the customers ability to pay, Universal Healthcare is nice, & can last longer if means tested, that is until the ability to contain the cost of such a program, provided to only a portion of the public, not all, eventually becomes unsustainable. It's inevitable because it seems that government continually expands who can partake in it's services........more & more of the electorate. It's called a politicians employment security. You can think USA has a great health care system if that works for you. of course, 94% (literally) of americans will laugh at you. Yes, they have the greatest medical tech and yet the single WORST accessibility to healthcare in the western world. Have a baby in Australis even on private health? $3,000. USA $50K-75K Heart bypass Australia $2000. USA $200,000+ Serious Cancer Treatment. Australia - $a few thousand. USA: most just die. The others pay $10,000 a month. So no... USA has the first worlds WORST health care system and they even admit it.