Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 2
nd, 2017 at 7:27pm:
Dnarever wrote on Dec 2
nd, 2017 at 6:50pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 2
nd, 2017 at 5:03pm:
I can't work out why it is such a problem for the US and Russia to have better relations. I hope Trump is doing deals with Putin considering all of the nukes pointed everywhere.
You don't get a meaningful improvement by having a President who is owned by or in debt to a foreign power.
Like our government?
Good point, Homo. We'd have no probs with Putin hacking the ALP's emails and giving them to Wikileaks.
We'd have no issue with the Russians funding a Facebook ad campaign targeting key marginal seats, creating fake news stories on Bill Shorten and even creating fake news outlets and blogs to put them in.
We wouldn't worry about Turnbull doing business deals in Russia and having a bevy of Russian prostitutes sent up to his room as Mr Trump's bodyguard testified to Congress about Mr Trump. We wouldn't care if Putin kept footage of this in an attempt to blackmail Turnbull.
We wouldn't mind if Putin sent Russian lawyers over to meet with senior Liberal campaign staff to promise dirt on Shorten, and a few hours later Turnbull promised dirt on Shorten in a campaign speech, calling on Putin to hack Shorten's emails.
We wouldn't care if most of Turnbull's senior staffers had lied on their security clearances about meetings with Russian agents or deals with foreign countries to promote their interests within the Australian government.
We wouldn't care about any of that. After all, there are some things far more important than being ruled over by a foreign power, no?