Richdude wrote on Dec 3
rd, 2017 at 2:20am:
That is the plan - remove borders!
All in the fullness of time the West's traitors will be removed as well.
The Concentration Camps of the Nazi era have thoughtfully been preserved by the prescient instead of destroyed and laid over with parklands and golf courses. They were 'mothballed' for future use should the need arise to eliminate certain people from the political gene-pool.
The Glory Days of Spring Cleaning our Undesirables is approaching fast. Every country now has so called 'Far Right' elected politicians in second or third place breathing heavily down the necks of the socialists in power.
The Visegrad Four have brought down the gates on the plan to destroy Western civilisation from within through the massive and continuing immigration of culturally intransigent and incompatible migrants from the Islamic Middle East and North Africa.
It's only a matter of time before the so-called 'Far Right' will start winning government in Germany, France, Italy, Denmark, Britain, and elsewhere.
Just a matter of the General Public calling a halt to the degradation of their national homelands through the endless annual streams of colonist Muslim ghetto-fodder arriving to set up their enclaves in the inner-suburbs of Western cities.
The squeaky gates of Auschwitz are right now being oiled even as we speak. Not to take in Muslims, but to play host to the socialist bastards who since WWII have conspired to eliminate First World capitalism through the demographic chaos of millions of incompatible peoples all squeezed in together like a plague of rats in a sewer.
Within the next 50 years great changes will be seen in the leadership of the Western countries, with the current Visegrad Four acting as the inspiration and models for this shift towards preserving ones cultural heritage against the Muslim hordes.
Good times ahead, Richdude. The political pendulum is swinging back from the far reaches of its Cultural-Marxist madness.
Champagne corks will be popping before too long.