Richdude wrote on Dec 3
rd, 2017 at 2:20am:
Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 2
nd, 2017 at 9:09pm:
Great news.
Trump is quite right not to visit political coward Theresa May in London where the mayor is a Pakistani Muslim because whites are in the minority there.
Social Marxists like May and Merkel are best left in isolation to stew in their own Leftwing ideological juice without the support of straight-shooters like Trump.
I'd like to see Trump do a Grand Tour of the Visegrad countries where they are under no illusion as to what the build up of Muslims in Continental Europe and Britain is leading to.
Trump has courage. He is working for the best interests of all, not a fascist world system of government run a very small number of elites. If the globalists think their plans are so good why not make them public?
The European leaders, these sellouts, do what the globalists want. More immigration with the least compatible people to create division and a subsequent break down of nation states.
That is the plan - remove borders!
He's fcked of the British government for re-Tweeting violent comments by British neo-Nazis. They've put off his trip because it would be thwarted by anti-racist protesters, and Trump can't stand anything else than a state visit with his face on billboards and soldiers saluting him.
Imagine Malcolm Turnbull posting violent comments by the KKK, and you get the idea how Trumps now seen in the UK. Trumps own staff have wondered whether they can get Twitter to close his account, that's how seriously this is seen. Its a disaster.
Only no one notices because of the succession of Trump gaffes and disasters. Courage?
The world is appalled by Trump's behaviour. The reason you support it is it
is fascism.
Ask Herbie. He'll happily acknowledge this.
Your smugness is tiresome.
Do you think that Europeans don't have a right to say who comes into their countries? You think that's racist ffs?
Japan has a yellow only policy - do you have a problem with Japans immigration laws. Of course not - only the Wests because you think there is some benefit for you to do so.
No! Trump is right in recognizing the sovereignty of nations borders and the right of their people to enforce it.