Along the wall, there should be a guard tower every 1000 meters, giving clear vision for 500 meters.

$.50 cent raffle tickets should be sold Nationwide for the sheer enjoyment of being able to legally pick off wetbacks in 12 hour shifts, proceeds to help pay for the wall & supplied bullets.

Sensors should be mounted below the wall to catch burrowing Pedros & digging Juans, so when they pop-out the ground they are welcomed with a blindfold & a firing squad. Gutted carcass' will be hung by the heals as a warning to future potential 'guests'.

All Mexican travelers wishing to cross the border must pay a $1,000 travel excise tax, of which $500 will be returned if they return a day early....
All Mexican dignitaries must pay $5,000 visitor excise tax each time they enter the USA.
All Mexican manufactured goods will be charged a 30% import duty when shipped to the USA, based on retail value, not wholesale.
All Money Transfers to & from Mexico will be charged a 10% transfer fee, on top of any existing fees.
All requests for Visas to & from Mexico will need to pay a $50.00 Visa Tax.
Mexico will pay for the way or another, but they will pay.