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Lost image of Mohammed is discovered (Read 5097 times)
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Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #15 - Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:44pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 3:35pm:

I wonder, Yadda, why do you feel the need to go out of your way to insult your fellow Australians all the time?


Every moslem in Australia, is a moslem.

By definition,       every moslem is a follower of ISLAM.

And mainstream ISLAMIC texts,        call on the followers of ISLAM, to fight and kill those who stand apart from, and reject ISLAM.

ISLAM calls on its followers to fight and kill 'disbelievers', because 'disbelievers' don't believe what the followers of ISLAM believe.

I wonder, Brian, why would any person      WHO CONTINUES TO CHOOSE, TO LIVE      within secular Australia,
feel the need to be the follower of a 'religion' which calls on its followers to fight and kill their fellow Australians,
because they [Australians] don't believe what they [the followers of ISLAM] believe ?


"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

"Fighting [against disbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves....."
Koran 48.29


No decent or honest person,        could submit or consent, to being a supporter of ISLAM's murderous doctrines.

Or, to being a follower, of ISLAM.

Why do governments in Australia, allow the followers of ISLAM [a deceitful and murderous death cult],
to live among us ?


There is an identifiable group of people, who do, facilitate, enable, encourage and commit acts of terror,
as an endorsed cultural modality.

They are called moslems.

They are the followers, of ISLAM.


I do       NOT       want moslems to freely live among us, here in Australia.

Because, this is what the 'religion' of ISLAM always inspires, in its most devout followers.

------- >


Melbourne, 6 Australians dead.

An atrocity, committed by a 'Greek' person claiming that...

"Muslim faith is the correct faith according to the whole world.....

And I am not guilty."

.....n.b.        the moslem who did this, considers himself to be a virtuous person.

The precepts of ISLAM require moslems to fight and to kill persons who reject ISLAM.

And ISLAM calls on moslems to fight, and to destroy and to kill Allah's enemies.

Killing the disbeliever [to the moslem], is performing 'good works' for his faith.

Killing the disbeliever, is what all of the religious precepts of ISLAM direct him to do.

All moslems are taught, by ISLAM's precepts, to be combatants, against Allah's enemies.

To fight, to kill, those who 'disbelieve'.


I do       NOT       want moslems to freely live among us, here in Australia.

Because, this is what the 'religion' of ISLAM always inspires, in its most devout followers.

------- >


Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar outside Parramatta police headquarters

What 'set off' Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar on that fateful day, to decide to murder Australian Curtis Cheng in Parramatta, NSW ???


ISLAMIC culture encouraged Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, to murder Australian Curtis Cheng.

Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar was inspired by ISLAM's imperative, which urged him TO KILL THE ENEMIES OF ALLAH.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #16 - Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:51pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:40pm:
Yadda wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:36pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 4:42pm:

That image has been photoshopped, Mohammed never looked so good.

LOL, jeez!

See!      See!

That is how a typical secular, irreverent Australian, would respond to the subject matter of this thread!

Australia still is a secular, and pluralist society.

Except for Muslims, hey, Yadda?

Tsk, tsk.  Hypocrite!   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Explain yourself Brian !!!

AGAIN, i say,        Australia still is a secular, and pluralist society.


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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #17 - Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:59pm

I believe that what i have said in this forum, about moslems, and about ISLAM, is true.

This is a public forum, for the purpose of debating ideas and opinions, of which i have a few.

If anyone wants to argue that my opinion about moslems and ISLAM is in error,
then let them make that argument, here in this public online forum,
and for everyone to be able to judge, whose argument has more merit.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Brian Ross
Gold Member

Representative of me

Posts: 40435
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #18 - Jan 17th, 2018 at 6:12pm
Yadda wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:51pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:40pm:
Yadda wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:36pm:
Johnnie wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 4:42pm:

That image has been photoshopped, Mohammed never looked so good.

LOL, jeez!

See!      See!

That is how a typical secular, irreverent Australian, would respond to the subject matter of this thread!

Australia still is a secular, and pluralist society.

Except for Muslims, hey, Yadda?   Tsk, tsk.  Hypocrite!   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Explain yourself Brian !!!

AGAIN, i say,        Australia still is a secular, and pluralist society.


Except for Muslims, hey, Yadda?  Tsk, tsk, hypocrite!    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #19 - Jan 17th, 2018 at 6:17pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 6:12pm:

Except for Muslims, hey, Yadda?  Tsk, tsk, hypocrite!    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Is that all you got ?

Personal disparagement,       coz my arguments and opinions, 'offend' you.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Brian Ross
Gold Member

Representative of me

Posts: 40435
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #20 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 4:05pm
Yadda wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 5:44pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 3:35pm:
I wonder, Yadda, why do you feel the need to go out of your way to insult your fellow Australians all the time?


Every moslem in Australia, is a moslem

Really?  And I thought they were Rosicrucians.   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Yadda, your simplistic reasoning doesn't work.   People call themselves all sorts of things.   When you actually meet some Muslims and discuss Islam with them, you might be able to discuss it better.  Until then, I'm finished wasting my time with you.   Tsk, tsk.   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Brian Ross
Gold Member

Representative of me

Posts: 40435
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #21 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 4:06pm
Yadda wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 6:17pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 6:12pm:

Except for Muslims, hey, Yadda?  Tsk, tsk, hypocrite!    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Is that all you got ?

Personal disparagement,       coz my arguments and opinions, 'offend' you.

You offend me with your narrow mindedness.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Gold Member

Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #22 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 7:44pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 18th, 2018 at 4:06pm:

You offend me with your narrow mindedness.


Yeah Brian,                  you are such open minded interlocutor and poster here on OzPol,
that you are prepared to address, and to refute, every evidence presented here, that condemns ISLAM and moslems.

/sarc off

Brian Ross wrote on Sep 15th, 2013 at 5:39pm:

I merely recognise that it is their right to create and unfortunately impose those punishments.

It is terrible but I also recognise

I have no right or ability to criticise them.

I am neither a member of their religion or a citizen of any of those nations.


Three monkeys

"All that you say about ISLAM Yadda,    THAT CAN'T BE CORRECT !!"

Brian, Brian, Brian!

A 'righteous' and       religiously OBLIGATORY      hatred of 'disbelievers', by moslems,          is the principle article of faith         that is taught as being sacrosanct by mainstream ISLAM.

So much so,            that the punishment for apostasy [which is still being promoted by all mainstream ISLAMIC doctrine schools], is death [i.e. execution].

sacrosanct = = regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with.


"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260

A 'righteous' and       religiously OBLIGATORY      hatred of all 'disbelievers'....

"....But if the hate at any time extinguishes from the heart, this is great apostasy! Such, then, is the basis and foundation of the relationship between the infidel and the Muslim.        Battle, Battle, animosity, and hatred -- directed from the Muslim to the infidel -- is the foundation of our religion.."

- Osama Bin Laden


November 10, 2008
Raymond Ibrahim: "Islam's Doctrines of Deception"

...."As to the relationship between Muslims and infidels, this is summarized by the Most High's Word: ‘We renounce you. Enmity and hate shall forever reign between us -- till you believe in Allah alone’ [Koran 60:4].

So there is an enmity, evidenced by fierce hostility from the heart. And this fierce hostility -- that is, battle -- ceases only if the infidel submits to the authority of Islam, or if his blood is forbidden from being shed [i.e., a dhimmi], or if Muslims are at that point in time weak and incapable [i.e., taqiyya]. But if the hate at any time extinguishes from the heart, this is great apostasy!  Such, then, is the basis and foundation of the relationship between the infidel and the Muslim. Battle, animosity, and hatred -- directed from the Muslim to the infidel -- is the foundation of our religion. And we consider this a justice and kindness to them" (from The Al Qaeda Reader).
.....It bears repeating that this hostile world view is well supported by all of Islam’s schools of jurisprudence."


Yadda said....

ISLAM's foundational religious texts, have plainly been interpreted by moslem scholars to indicate,
that those who have embraced ISLAM,
have embraced enmity, and hatred, and hostility and warfare and murder, towards those who reject ISLAM.


Here, for example, are two very illuminating passages from the canonical Life of Mohammed by Ibn Ishaq, as translated by A. Guillaume, and a third passage, from the earliest known Muslim historian.

Ishaq: 204 - "'Men, do you know what you are pledging yourselves to in swearing allegiance to this man [Muhammad]?' 'Yes. In swearing allegiance to him we are pledging to wage war against all mankind.'"

Ishaq:231 - "Muslims are one ummah (community) to the exclusion of all men. Believers are friends of one another to the exclusion of all outsiders."

And here is Al-Tabari, a very early Muslim historian, in book 9, chapter or section 69, reporting words that Muslims believe to have been said by Mohammed himself - "Killing infidels is a small matter to us".

These texts are not fossils from a distant past.

They are not dead letters.

They are still 'live' and carry tremendous weight in the imagination and practice of many Muslims around the world.


we are pledging to wage war against all mankind, al-Tabari

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #23 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 7:57pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 2:03pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 1:53pm:
Does anyone read every word in Yadda's posts?

A better question I think.

He's still doing it -

his posts are whole books to read.
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Australian Politics

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Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #24 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 7:59pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 18th, 2018 at 4:06pm:
Yadda wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 6:17pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 6:12pm:

Except for Muslims, hey, Yadda?  Tsk, tsk, hypocrite!    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Is that all you got ?

Personal disparagement,       coz my arguments and opinions, 'offend' you.

You offend me with your narrow mindedness.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  Look who's talking!!! Mr Blinkered & Myopic himself!!!
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Gold Member

Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #25 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 8:20pm
Bobby. wrote on Jan 18th, 2018 at 7:57pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 2:03pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 1:53pm:
Does anyone read every word in Yadda's posts?

A better question I think.

He's still doing it -

his posts are whole books to read.

Stop it, bobby!

......or you'll go blind!         Tongue

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Brian Ross
Gold Member

Representative of me

Posts: 40435
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #26 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 9:57pm
Bobby. wrote on Jan 18th, 2018 at 7:57pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 2:03pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 1:53pm:
Does anyone read every word in Yadda's posts?

A better question I think.

He's still doing it -

his posts are whole books to read.

You will note, Bobby that Yadda's posts are carefully spaced and contain sufficient words to make it difficult to answer them as quotes.  This is, I suspect deliberate on his part to make life difficult to those who both want to read his posts and to answer them.   A very clever but in the end, self-defeating tactic.   Tsk, tsk.    Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Gold Member

Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #27 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 11:08pm
Brian Ross wrote on Jan 18th, 2018 at 9:57pm:

You will note, Bobby that Yadda's posts are carefully spaced and contain sufficient words to make it difficult to answer them as quotes.

Yeah Brian, it is so difficult to address truth,       when lies and [incredible] denials [before truth] would simply fall flat on their face.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #28 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 11:10pm


1/ Who is telling the truth about ISLAMIC teachings ?

2/ Who has more authority in speaking for ISLAM ?

Is it 'Aussie' moslem, Ali Kadri,       OR,      is it Mohammed and Allah, and the Koran ?

And a question Brian, why is 'Aussie' moslem, Ali Kadri, barefacedly, lying to his fellow Australians about ISLAMIC teachings ?


Ali Kadri - Islamic Council of Queensland vice-president,
features in The Mosque Next Door on SBS.


"There's no underlying religious text or reasons why [moslems] go out and kill people......"

- Ali Kadri
------- >



"......the curse of Allah is on those without Faith."
Koran 2.089

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

"Fighting [against disbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves....."
Koran 48.29




"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him."
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260



"Ibn 'Umar related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "I have been ordered to kill the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay the zakah. If they do that, their blood and wealth are protected from me save by the rights of Islam. Their reckoning will be with Allah." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) "


"Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."...."

"Whoever......becomes an unbeliever.....his blood may legally be spilled."

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Gold Member

Posts: 21389
A cat with a view
Re: Lost image of Mohammed is discovered
Reply #29 - Jan 18th, 2018 at 11:32pm
Bobby. wrote on Jan 18th, 2018 at 7:57pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 2:03pm:
Bobby. wrote on Jan 17th, 2018 at 1:53pm:
Does anyone read every word in Yadda's posts?

A better question I think.

He's still doing it -

his posts are whole books to read.


You don't seem to have the attentive capacity to read,        my posts.

If that is true, i would doubt that you have ever read a whole book.

In a whole lifetime, bobby, i do doubt that you would even spare        a single hour of your time        to open and to search, for what is contained within the bible.

Hmmmm ?


Psalms 42:1
As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God.
2  My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?
3  My tears have been my meat day and night, while they continually say unto me, Where is thy God?
4  When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me: for I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept holyday.
5  Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise him for the help of his countenance.

But i note, in the past you have found time enough,
to visit, and to quote scripts, here on OzPol bobby, from

Matthew 6:21
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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