Jovial Monk wrote on Jan 21
st, 2018 at 10:17am:
Bobby is too focussed on this ice age he thinks/believes/wants to happen. Not the minor ice age Dubyne craps on about but a “pole to the Mediterranean” major ice age.
Having this religious zeal for this nonsense he steps over boundaries. As Mod this religious zeal will destroy the board—alternative points of view, scientific evidence will end up being banned or driven away.
He also evades discussion when it might make him uncomfortable, including being asked to defend Mod action he has taken. Nah, not suited and if appointed might as well write “RIP Environment board.” Don’t know if that is what FD wants or if activity, good information etc is important to him.
It happened just like I said it would. He started posting wall to wall Dubyne videos about “the” GSM and the ice age it would cause. No GSM happened and no ice age would happen when a GSM eventually does happen.
Apparently Booby thought the conman knew what he was talking about and asked him a question. No answer. Booby disillusioned with Dubyne to whom he had given my personal information including photos. We know he loves sharing my photo around.
Then we had a year or two of evidence for global cooling, evidence for global warming and evidence of an ice age. All just weather reports, no attempt to dig into weather systems causing such weather of course, that was too hard! Geez.
Booby now only posts supposedly cute or funny videos about critters in the so–called Environment board. The board is rooted as an Environmental board.