Here we go again—the junky only has a few responses.
Now we have my fine forum is full of “multis talking to themselves.”
Multies is Yahoo speak for sock puppets. Larry is stuck in the Yahoo times.
I guess Yahoo long gone, Larry’s next birthday will obviously be his 80th so Larry prefers to live in the past.
I am 75. Means I am still here and kicking, now embarked on my new venture in a different state, a new life, new friends I am making and soon starting a big vege patch.
Socks, a real dog as everyone knows, posted enough photos of her, is a delight. I take her to a beach not too far (about 35km away) and let her off the lead. Should see her run! She has easily outrun every dog we have met on our beach walks, would take a trained greyhound to catch her!
She loves running in water so regardless of temperature she spends half her time in the sea. When she runs after a seagull she frightened into flight she runs so fast you swear she will take off!