Frank wrote on Feb 24
th, 2018 at 12:16pm:
SWEDISH fast-fashion giant H & M has apologised and pulled a range of children’s socks from its shelves in response to complaints made by members of the Muslim community.
The offending socks bore an image of a Lego figurine holding a jackhammer — but Muslim shoppers claimed when turned upside down,
the image appeared to resemble the word “Allah” in Arabic, prompting outrage.
Frank wrote on Feb 24
th, 2018 at 12:11pm:
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Muslims burn piles of Pampers nappies and call for a ban because cartoon cat's whiskers printed on them 'look like the Arabic spelling of Meowhamed'
Muslim protests in India are calling for a boycott of Pampers products after
claiming to have seen the word 'Mohammed' in the face of a cartoon cat which appears on its nappies.
Many individuals have noticed the same thing about ISLAM,
in every place, where the followers of ISLAM are being 'compelled' to 'interface' with a pluralist environment.
ISLAM - The Religion of Perpetual Outrage
"Just a few months ago in Kashmir, faithful Muslims rioted over what they thought was a mosque depicted on underwear sold by street vendors.""That is why it is quite appropriate to speak of the “Religion of Perpetual Outrage.” No matter what you say, or how you say it, a reason for offense can be found.""So, how do you insult Islam?
The fact that you exist
and are not muslim,
you breathe,
speak truth,
share truth about Muhammed,
draw a cartoon that makes him look foolish. ""When we live within your nation, you infidels must accommodate our feelings of how the world must appear to us, and how the world must appear to our perceptions.
Otherwise we will kill you, for offending us."
- We are the innocent, and virtuous people, of Allah, it is your duty to accommodate us!
When non-moslems go to visit, or to live in,
a moslem majority nation, non-moslems must obey [and respect !!!] the laws and the customs and the worldview which is predominant within that moslem majority nation.
And LIKEWISE when moslems come to live in
a non-moslem majority nation, non-moslems must respect the laws and the customs and the worldview of the moslem.
.......because it would be culturally 'discriminatory' against the moslem and his religion, not to do so.
You know that it is true!
![Tongue Tongue](
THOSE PLACARDS, AT A MOSLEM STREET PROTEST, 2006, IN LONDON READ....."Slay those who insult Islam"
"Behead those who insult Islam"
"Massacre those who insult Islam"
"Butcher those who mock Islam"
"Europe you will pay, demolition is on its way"
"Europe you will pay, extermination is on its way"
"Exterminate those who slander Islam"
"Europe is the cancer, Islam is the answer"
"Islam will dominate the world"
"Freedom go to hell"
"Europe take some lessons from 9/11"
"Be prepared for the real Holocaust"
"BBC = British Blasphemic Crusaders"
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Sydney, 2012, moslem street protests.
Here we see
the moslem community in Australia, demonstrating', just how 'peaceful' ISLAM and moslems
really are.
religious bigots, 'demonstrating', just how 'peaceful' ISLAM and moslems
really are.
Moslems demanding their 'human rights', to exercise the
'freedom of religion' of the moslem.
which is set out within ISLAMIC law!], to kill people who do not believe as they [moslems] believe.
QUESTION;How many of those persons who took part in that moslem street protest in Sydney, Australia, TO INCITE RELIGIOUS BIGOTRY, AND RELIGIOUS VIOLENCE, AND MURDER, were ever identified, charged and brought before a court of law ? !!
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"Behead those who insult ISLAM"
Islamic street protest -
IN AUSTRALIA - on the streets of Sydney from Hyde Park to George Streets, September 15, 2012.
ARGUMENT;There is an identifiable group of people, who do,
encourage and
commit acts of terror,
as an endorsed cultural modality.
They are called moslems.
They are the followers, of