Brian Ross
Frank wrote on Feb 25 th, 2018 at 8:52pm: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 24 th, 2018 at 9:48pm: Frank wrote on Feb 24 th, 2018 at 8:27pm: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 24 th, 2018 at 12:27pm: Frank wrote on Feb 24 th, 2018 at 12:16pm: SWEDISH fast-fashion giant H & M has apologised and pulled a range of children’s socks from its shelves in response to complaints made by members of the Muslim community.
The offending socks bore an image of a Lego figurine holding a jackhammer — but Muslim shoppers claimed when turned upside down, the image appeared to resemble the word “Allah” in Arabic, prompting outrage.
According to The Independent, a company spokesperson said the resemblance was “entirely coincidental” and that no offence or hidden meaning was intended by the desigln.
When turned upside down - these bastards are seeking ways to claim offence. The Muslim community should bugger off. What a great way to run a business - tell your customers to "bugger off". What ever happened to, "the customer is always right", Soren? Out the window in your efforts to offend only a section of the customers, hey? How about putting inverted crucifixs on to some products to offend Christians? How about putting some dead cows onto products to offend the Hindus? Yeah, that'll really drum up business, now won't it? Gee, I think H&M are glad you're not in charge of marketing and design. It's concocted outrage and offence, like most of your, Bwian. In Sweden they now have to worry about what BS Muslims will discover when they turn items upside down???? Look at that sock, look at that nappy package - you must be a complete frikken moron to take any of these Muslims complaints seriously. Yet here you are, predictably, taking them seriously. Obviously so do H&M, Soren. Perhaps they like to sell stuff to people? Obviously you failed the marketing section of your course at the University of Baloney, right? I missed the 'bend over to idiotic muslim claims because that's the future' lecture, Bwian. You, on the other hand, have attended nothing else. You ridiculous fool. ![... ...]( My store is still standing. I am still selling stuff to customers who I don't go out of my way to offend. Oh, dearie, dearie, me, poor, poor, Soren. Pissed off all your customers? Me, a socialist more profitable than a capitalist, like you. Tsk, tsk.