AugCaesarustus wrote Reply #1 - Today at 10:22am
Quote:You know the 'Muslim' God is the same God as the Jewish and Christian God???
Well as sure the sun rises between two sides of the head of the devil (or satan), they just keep trying to put islam up there with the founders of monotheism.
allah is a pagan moon god:
muhammad proclaimed: 'There is no god but allah,' he was not designating a new god. Pagan Arabs already worshipped a moon god called allah, in pre islamic times.
muhammad himself worshiped this pagan moon god.
The pre-islam moon god allah was regarded as the lord of the Ka'ba.
The moon god religion of the pre islamic Arabs, believed that caves, springs, and large stones were inhabited by spirits, capable of talking. .
Pre-islamic pagan Arabs prayed several times a day while bowing towards K'abah, the "house of allah" in Mecca that houses a meteorite - a rock from space -, visited it once a year, and walked around it several times during their visit, they kissed the black stone. (muhammad would have practiced all these as well, in his pre-islam pagan moon god days)
Were al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat called the daughters of allah in pagan Arabia? Yes they were. "The Quraysh tribe into which Mohammad was born was particularly devoted to allah, the moon god, and especially to allah's three daughters who were viewed as intercessors between the people and allah." ... "The worship of the three goddesses, Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, played a significant role in the worship at the Kabah in Mecca. The first two daughters of allah had names which were feminine forms of Allah."
"Was the Kaaba the "house of the moon god"? YES! Today 2018 what do muslims do to worship their moon god allah?
muslims pray bowing towards the K'abah in Mecca five times a day.
About two million muslims visit Mecca every year and walk around the K'abah, muslims still kiss the black stone.
The muslim "holy" month of ramadan starts at the sighting of a new crescent moon.
Perched atop mosques (and on most muslims flags) across the world is the crescent moon, the symbol of the moon god allah whom muhammad already worshipped and chose as the reinvented god of islam.
Are al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat the daughters of allah taught in the qur'an?
Yes verses 53.19: So have you considered al-Lat and al-'Uzza? 53.20: And Manat, the third - the other one?
muslims believe in talking rocks, trees and flying donkies.
So there is no divergence from pagan moon god practices.
allah is a reinvented moon god.