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This day in the Muzlim War against everyone (Read 197171 times)
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Australian Politics

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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2055 - Jun 18th, 2020 at 5:31pm
Pope calls for “establishment of pathways” for hundreds of thousands of Muslim migrants to settle in Europe
JUN 17, 2020

ROME — Pope Francis has called for an end to violence in Libya as well as the establishment of “pathways” for the hundreds of thousands of migrants wishing to travel to Europe.

The harlot that rides on the beasts back?

It's all falling into place right in front of us.

Sadly it all could be resolved simply by all people telling the truth about islam.

Oh well evil destined to rampant so they said.
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2056 - Jun 18th, 2020 at 5:32pm

Nigeria: Muslim group says “Allah has instructed us to kill everyone that is unbelieving” Jun 18, 2020:

“You feel we kill. You feel we destroy. Allah has instructed us to kill everyone that is unbelieving….

When are people simply going to start telling the truth about islam.

This bloke is right on track. islam is a death cult, that is exactly what muhammad had in mind when he created islam and the qur'an.

muhammad a practicing thief liar pedophile rapist torturer and mass murderer, he created islam it is a mirror image of the innermost being of this sick psychopath.

How long do we have to put up with islam, before we start being honest?
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« Last Edit: Jun 19th, 2020 at 4:39pm by moses »  
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2057 - Jun 20th, 2020 at 1:10pm
Islamic Republic of Iran depicts George Floyd as Shi’ite Muslim saint Jun 19, 2020.

This is entirely consistent with the other behavior of the Islamic regime in Iran. When it orders people to scream “Death to America” every Friday in mosques, the regime is making the destruction of America into a holy act. The murder of George Floyd touched off destructive riots and ongoing unrest in the United States — a manifestation of Allah’s judgment against the Great Satan. So of course George Floyd is a saint.

No wonder our loony leftards find islam as their ally in destroying us from within.

Well muhammad was a thief liar pedophile rapist torturer and mass murderer. He's the best example for mankind remember.

Floyd was a drug dealer, thief, woman basher, burglar etc., of course he would make a perfect muslim saint.

There's big trouble coming for civilization, just as Ye Ancient Scribes Of Olde all predicted thousands of years ago.

The loony left and the muzzies are determined to make it happen.
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2058 - Jun 21st, 2020 at 10:52pm
UK: Muslim stabs random people in the neck, three feared dead, two more in critical condition, “terror-related” Jun 20, 2020

When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur’an 47:4).

“Reading stabbings: Man arrested after three feared dead in Forbury Gardens attack – latest news,” by Mike Wright, Steve Bird and Jack Hardy, Telegraph, June 20, 2020:

Police have arrested a man at the scene of stabbings in Reading in which three people are feared dead and two are in critical care in hospital.

when one lone person walked through, suddenly shouted some unintelligible words and went around a large group of around 10, trying to stab them.

Such lovely people muslims are most certainly not.

Saw this on the news tonight, every station was trying to pass it off as not terror related. Lying bloody media must just about all be loony leftards as well.

Of course the lunatic leftards will come up with their usual bullshit excuses, *not all of them*, *only a minority*, *it's not in the qur'an*, crapola crapola crapola.

How long do we have to put up with this sick bloody death cult and the lunatic leftards who regard them as their ally in the quest to destroy us from within.

This will never stop until everybody is honest about the filth and depravity in the qur'an

Come on people what sort of world are we creating for our kids and grandkids?
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2059 - Jun 23rd, 2020 at 6:22pm
Turkey: Europe “must stop treating Islam as a security threat” JUN 22, 2020.

European governments, opinion leaders, and policymakers “must stop” treating Islam as a security threat and Muslims as potential criminals, a top Turkish government official said.“Don’t do that,” Turkey’s Communications Director Fahrettin Altun told a web panel during the launch of the European Islamophobia Report 2019.

“Islamophobia is a global threat that places millions of Muslims at risk,” he said.

The yearly report was launched by Turkish think-tank SETA, which provides country-specific surveys on the development of Islamophobia in 32 European countries

Well spit three times and call me allah.

The pure meek and mild muslims have a *think tank* (as if the idiots could think logically) to address the great *threat* of islamophobia.

I bet the lunatic leftards are right behind the muzzies on this one.

In spite of the following:

List of Killings in the Name of Islam:

Last 30 Days: During this time period, there were 108 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 654 people were killed and 329 injured.

Jihad Report June 13 2020 - June 19 2020: Attacks      37 - Killed 207 - Injured 173 - Countries 12.

Jihad Report for May 2020: Attacks 194 - Killed      907 - Injured 734 - Suicide Blasts 6 - Countries 24.

So far for 2020: During this time period, there were 902 Islamic attacks in 38 countries, in which 4632 people were killed and 3531 injured.

There has been over 37134 deadly muslim terrorist attacks so since September 11 2001.

The sicko muzzies will slither around trying to hide these facts, the sicko loony lefties will dance to the tune of the muslims on this also.

How long do we have to wait until people start being honest about the filth and depravity in islam?
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Australian Politics

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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2060 - Jun 25th, 2020 at 9:23pm
Australia: Cops seize 14 weapons and 523 rounds of ammunition from 3 Muslims who support ISIS, no terror charges JUNe 24, 2020.

Certainly the evidence is that he’s supportive of ISIS and was looking to provide funds to Islamic State if possible.”

But no terror charges. After all, the Australian police don’t want to appear “Islamophobic.”

Three men charged and 14 guns seized in counter-terrorism operation,” 9News, June 20, 2020:

Three Sydney men have been charged with more than 70 offences after an investigation into the alleged possession of illegal military-style guns by a group with suspected extremist ideology.

Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Scott Lee said the investigation began in January following reports of a person with “extremist sympathies”, who was allegedly “aligned to the Islamic State ideology”, supplying firearms.

“There’s no evidence (the man involved wanted to join ISIS) … but certainly the evidence is that he’s supportive of ISIS and was looking to provide funds to Islamic State if possible.”

Well I mean terrorism attack, no no no.

I mean if they had been whities, then of course they were terrorists, definitely could not have been hunters with illegal weapons, they would have been terrorists.

How bloody sick are our authorities becoming, sniveling around on their guts, groveling before the islamic beast.

These pricks should have been locked up forever end of story.

Why are people so bloody stupid?

!00% afraid of calling a spade a spade.

Truth about islam and muslims is the answer to all our muslim terrorist problems.

The lunatic leftwing has well and truly brainwashed our society.

I wonder if they will ever wake up before it's gone too far?
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Australian Politics

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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2061 - Jun 27th, 2020 at 6:00pm
List of Killings in the Name of Islam:

Last 30 Days:During this time period, there were 118 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 610 people were killed and 363 injured.

Jihad Report June 13 2020 - June 19 2020: Attacks 39 - Killed 215 - Injured 173 - Countries 13.

So far for 2020: During this time period, there were 926 Islamic attacks in 38 countries, in which 4729 people were killed and 3547 injured.

There has been over 37158 deadly muslim terrorist attacks since September 2001.

What is there to say?

The lunatic leftards are jumping into bed with the fundamentalist muslims.

Loony leftards must all have severe mental issues, proof positive of their sick psychopathic mind set.

We are in for some totally evil times ahead.

The doomsday prepers are on the right track it seems.

The loony left has got our kids from preschool through to university.

Why are people so unhinged they can't see what is happening right in front of us?
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2062 - Jun 27th, 2020 at 7:59pm
Only when the Moslems get their Christian Messiah to die for their Moslems sins out of France, will the Moslems finally lay down their weapons and cease their 'Empire'... which is being replaced by Israel, who is putting down the Book and picking up the Weapon.
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Australian Politics

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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2063 - Jun 28th, 2020 at 4:20pm
Only when all people wake up and call the lunatic leftard / muslim alliance out for being the evil entity it is, will there be any hope for a peaceful world.

Lunatic leftard anarchy is sweeping across the globe right now: looting, arson attacks, destruction of property and murder, right there in front of us.

How long before we wake up
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2064 - Jun 28th, 2020 at 8:52pm
Islam was created to take back what the Christians stole from the Jews.
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2065 - Jun 29th, 2020 at 3:29am
Actually the Christians never stole anything.

The Jews have a religion which does not have a messiah, they believe He hasn't come yet, but will come in the future, they also still kill animals as an offering to God.

Christianity developed with the advent of Christ coming on the scene 2020 years ago, at about 30 years of age and was proclaimed as the promised Messiah.

Christ taught that he was sent by God to fulfill the ancient mosaic law.

Fulfill means to complete successfully, to bring the law to a satisfactory conclusion.

His blood when he was crucified on the cross was to be the New offering for all sins.

So today the 21st century we still have billions of people around the globe from all sorts of beliefs, still slaughtering millions upon millions of animals as a sacrifice to their god.

Christianity does not slaughter animals, they only offer up a sip of wine and a small biscuit / wafer in remembrance of the body and blood of Christ, as their offering for sin. (a much more humane way I think)

Jump forward about six and a bit hundred years when muhammad came on the scene.

He stole from the Jews and Christians the concept of a monotheistic god, he plagiarized very poorly and incorrectly the writings of the Jews and Christians, he proclaimed that his pagan moon god allah was the monotheistic of our universe.

As we know men proclaim the various attributes of the gods.

So muhammad taught allah was actuallly a god of thieving lying pedophilia rape torture and mass murder.

The qur'an teaches that the muslim jihadist can perpetrate each and every one of these iniquities, against the non believers and the believers who have become apostate.

Today right now muslims around the globe are committing these atrocities against the non believers etc. with the clearest of a conscience, they 100% believe it is their sacred duty to commit these atrocities against the rest of us.

The so called *moderates* give them 100% moral support, they fully support the cause and  motivation of these depravities (the qur'an), if they support the qur'an they definitely support the engendered atrocities.

As an interesting aside, it's interesting how the bible predicted that in the end times there would, wars and rumours of wars, nation would rise against nation, people would be fleeing to and fro, sickness would abound, a beast (Kingdom/government/political power) who beheads people and has a mark to buy and sell would rise up, a harlot (Woman, Pure = True Church  & Woman, Corrupt = Apostate church) would ride on the back of the beast drunk with the blood of saints.

Civil wars are all over the place, China etc. are all pushing and shoving over import duties etc., millions of refugees are running all over the globe, covid 19 rising now, nations are hinting of wars, islam is beheading people and has halal certification to buy and sell, the catholic church through the pope is riding on the back of  islam it is drunk with the blood of all the people it has murdered through the ages.

It all seems to be falling into place, just as the Mayans, Mesopotamians, Hebrews, Early Christian and other early scribes all described how the world would end.

Right now I'd love to be as sure of wining the lotto as I am that this could be it.

The muslims and the loony left anarchists are all running rampant right now.

It's probably too late to stop it, the lefties and the muzzies seem determined to bring to fruition the early predictions of doom and misery on earth.

Oh well time will tell it all.

Each to his own.
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« Last Edit: Jun 29th, 2020 at 3:35am by moses »  
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Australian Politics

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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2066 - Jun 29th, 2020 at 3:02pm
Muslim cleric says “If the sword is not used, then this is not Islam” JUN 28, 2020.

Mullah Muhammed was heard calling for violent jihad: “I’m telling you to take up your guns and kill them.” He also asked his followers to build bombs and mortars in their homes, urged the decapitation of Americans, claiming that the religion allows such practices. “If the sword is not used, then this is not Islam,”

Hatred for the sake of Allah and love for the sake of Allah is called Al Walaa wa al Baraa, a fundamental principle of Islamic ethics and Sharia. A Muslim is to hate what Allah hates and love what Allah loves. Allah hates the Kafir, therefore, a Muslim is to act accordingly.

Amount of Text Devoted to the Kafir:

The Koran says that the Kafir may be deceived, plotted against, hated, enslaved, mocked, tortured and worse. The word is usually translated as “unbeliever” but this translation is wrong. The word “unbeliever” is logically and emotionally neutral, whereas, Kafir is the most abusive, prejudiced and hateful word in any language.

Islam devotes a great amount of energy to the Kafir. The majority (64%) of the Koran is devoted to the Kafir, and nearly all of the Sira (81%) deals with Mohammed’s struggle with them. The Hadith (Traditions) devotes 32% of the text to Kafirs1. Overall, the Trilogy devotes 60% of its content to the Kafir.

Hadith 37%
Sira 81%
Koran 64%
Total 60%

This source tells us
Fight/ Kill/ Murder:-       

In the English language, Fight can mean to : Combat, Struggle, Resist, Strife, War, do battle.

In the Arabic language, one word QATL with its DERIVATIVES can mean all of the following:

Fight: Qital, Kifah, 'Airak, Harb, etc

Kill: Qatl, Thabh, Jazr

Murder: Qatl

Slaughter: Thabh, Jazr

Slay: Qatl


Invariably, the interpreters of the Quran use the more 'sanitised' terms to convey a more moderate connotation. This word Qital, Qatl, Qatala, Yaqtulu, Youqatilou,  is usually used against all those who do not believe in Muhammad and his Quran.

This word and its derivatives are repeated in the Quran and Ahadith at least 35,213 times.

You see KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC. are taught 35,213 times in the holy books.

then this site tells us
164 Jihad Verses in the Koran

The Koran’s 164 Jihad Verses: K 002:178-179, 190-191, 193-194, 216-218, 244; 003:121-126, 140-143, 146, 152-158, 165-167,169, 172-173, 195; 004:071-072, 074-077, 084, 089-091, 094-095,100-104; 005:033, 035, 082; 008:001, 005, 007, 009-010, 012, 015-017, 039-048,057-060, 065-075; 009:005, 012-014, 016, 019-020, 024-026, 029,036, 038-039, 041, 044, 052, 073, 081, 083,086, 088, 092, 111, 120, 122-123; 016:110; 022:039, 058, 078; 024:053, 055; 025:052; 029:006, 069; 033:015, 018, 020, 023, 025-027, 050; 042:039; 047:004, 020, 035; 048:015-024; 049:015; 059:002, 005-008, 014; 060:009; 061:004, 011, 013; 063:004; 064:014; 066:009; 073:020; 076:008

164 verses of jihad in the quran plus the words KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC.
are taught 35,213 times in the holy books.

How many time is the word love used in the qur'an?

this site tells us

The word love, hubb in its various grammatical forms, is used 69 times in the Qur'an. The writer has divided these into five categories:

(1) Man's Love of Things (15 times)
(2) Human Love (15 Times)
(3) Man's Love for God (7 times)
(4) Negative - God Does Not Love The ... (22 times)
(5) God's love for Man (20 times)

A mere 79 times love is mentioned and 22 times this teaches that allah does not love certain people.

So we have over 35,000 times the muslims are told to slaughter etc., 164 verses of jihad and 79 verses where the word love is used, 22 times it is actually used to tell muslims allah does not love something.

The world wide problem we face right now is the depravity in the qur'an.

In the last 1400 odd years, millions upon millions of innocent people have deliberately been subjected to the most degenerate forms of human rights atrocities, by muslims who are told to commit them by the filth in the qur'an.

It has got nothing to do with people disobeying the teachings of Christ and committing evil atrocious deeds.

It has got nothing to do with any other religious belief in the world.

Then problem is that islam is a death cult, muslims are performing the foulest of deeds imaginable, because their qur'an tells them to do it.

islam is not about compassion love and peace, the teachings of islam use the words KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC., about 700 times more than the word love is used.

The answer to our problems is not with guns bombs and bullets, we must tell the truth about the putridly evil teachings of muhammad, islam is the problem, truth is the peaceful solution (with the added benefit that islam will also be destroyed by truth).
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« Last Edit: Jun 29th, 2020 at 3:17pm by moses »  
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Australian Politics

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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2067 - Jul 1st, 2020 at 2:11pm
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2068 - Jul 2nd, 2020 at 5:03pm
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Re: This day in the Muzlim War against everyone
Reply #2069 - Jul 2nd, 2020 at 6:22pm
Jasin wrote on Jun 28th, 2020 at 8:52pm:
Islam was created to take back what the Christians stole from the Jews.

What was that?  Araby? The Eastern Roman Empire?

You seem to have many and varied types of psychoses and I wonder what great array of self-inflicted harm you are doing to yourself, day in day out.  Do you recall?

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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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