Brian Ross wrote on Feb 3
rd, 2018 at 11:56pm:
I am quite willing to admit my ignorance about the finer points of Muslim theology but I do know and understand the broad outline of the religion.
What is your understanding of the broad outline of the Islamic religion, Brian?
Six Filipinos Killed for Confessing Christ
08 February 2006
At least six Christians are dead, including an infant girl, and another five injured after suspected militant Muslims opened fire on a group of Christian families in the predominantly Muslim island of Jolo in the Philippines on February 2. At least five gunmen, believed to be from the militant organization Abu Sayyaf, went door-to-door in the village of Patikul and asked the residents if they were Christians. If the residents confessed faith in Christ, the militants opened fire.
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Hardline Muslims Try to Shut Down Christian Charities in Indonesia…
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German Women Begin to Resist Mass Migration, Sexual Assault…
South Dakota University Bans Film on Female Genital Mutilation…
(UK) Illegal Migrant Bides Time Looking for Sex with 12-Year-Old…
Sweden's Fastest-Growing Baby Name is Islamic…
Attack on Children's Charity May Halt Efforts to Aid Afghan People…
Turkish Woman Shot Dead with Deer Rifle after Asking for Divorce…
Dancing Spotted in Saudi Arabia: Police Move In…
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Chief: 'Extremists' Using British Schools to 'Pervert', Indoctrinate…
'Moderate' Indonesia Pushing to Criminalize All Sex Outside of Marriage…
Nigerian Muslim Body: Any Ban on Hijab is 'War Against Islam'…
Egypt Shows 'Immense Leniency' to Those Who Attacked Church…
Bayonne, NJ Pays Local Islamic Group $400,000…
Masturbating Man Charms Patrons at a Nebraska Burger King…
Promising Chechen Wrestler Joins ISIS…
Russia Breaks Up Religion of Peace Plot to Massacre Voters…
German Intel Warns Returning ISIS Pose Massive Danger…
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France: 8-Year-Old Jewish Boy Beaten for Wearing Kippa…
Christian Boy Rescued from Muslim Rape…
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Ay Caramba! 'I Cheat on My Husband with a Demon'…
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Driver in Philadelphia Hit and Run Identified…
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Iran Sentences Pastor's Wife to Five Years in Prison…
Toronto Police Baffled by Somali's Shooting Spree…
Five More Iranian Women Protest Headscarf Obligation…
Fatwas Dictate What Water SA Muslims Can Drink…
Islamic Service Organizes Tattoo Rehab…
Celebrity's Thigh-High Boots Slammed as UnIslamic…
Quran Teacher Misunderstands Islam: 'Death Squad Sent by Allah'…
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