polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 13
th, 2018 at 2:10pm:
Fight for your rights innit. Unconscionable sentiment I know.
Your rights???? Wha' 'appened to Submission, bozo?? Eternal will of Alan and Boy Mo and all that crap?
Rights? Sentiments??? Where does the Koran or Mo say ANYTHING about rights and sentiment, our forked-tongued (beginner), deceptive (laughable) little Muslim convert?
You are applying kuffar notions to advance your destructive and oppresive Islamic doctrines which will immediately destroy the kuffar notions of rights and sentiments the moment it gains power.
No wonder you cannot be trusted in any shape or form. Lying and distortion and misrepresentation are everywhere in all Muslims apologies for Islam and you are no exception. Bwian has the same disease - cannot be honest and candid. You guys just cannot be honest and consistent and principled. It;s all about Submission, any which way.
Were you to try to be honest and consistent and truthful, the entire Islamic edifice would fall down in a heap. It's all a lie. And you can see just the type of people who fall for such a lie.