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My Heart beats True for the Red White & Blue...
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Karnal wrote on Mar 13 th, 2018 at 6:47pm: Panther wrote on Mar 13 th, 2018 at 1:42pm: .. Hmmmmmm, being that the House of Representatives controls all spending relating to Mueller's Investigation into Russia/Trump Collusion, & Russian Involvement in the US 2016 Presidential Election, will the House, being it finds that there was no Collusion between Trump & Russia, will the House halt all funding for the Mueller Investigation.....which is their right to do at any time they have a majority vote in favor of a termination?
The Senate couldn't start an independent investigation of their own, simply because the House controls all funds they would need.......all spending, of any kind law....must originate & be authorized by the House.
So, will the House terminate the Mueller Investigation?
IMHO, there is a better than 50% probability they will terminate funding for Mueller & his team of investigators, & at the same time the President can have the DOJ instruct the Mueller Investigation to completely limit their scope until the last penny already authorized is spent.......
Being that the House finds no collusion between Russia & President Trump, firing Mueller, or limiting his authority.....effectively castrating his team & their effectiveness & authorization to go down other avenues of investigation, there can be no charges of obstruction levied against the Trump Administration.
No Bucks from the House = No Investigation.
Instructions from Trump, no longer subject to obstruction claims, to limit scope to solely Collusion would mean Mueller wouldn't have further legal authorization to carry on any continuing investigations into any other areas, or expand investigations in any way. 
If this happens, Longie will be absolutely apoplectic, to the point they will have to place him back into his padded cell. .. No, Panther, it won't. The DOJ runs the FBI, including all the money allocated to the DOJ in the 2017 budget. Given Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself, Meuller's investigation will continue to be funded, as every schoolboy knows. But as you said, you want to see justice served here too, remember? You want to see the Trump administration clear it's name, no? And if found guilty, you want all wrongdoers brought to justice, in line with the constitution and the rule of law. There is no longer any reason(s) that Sessions needs to honor his voluntary recusation, so he is free to act in any manner his Chief Executive sees fit for him to act. Therefore, if Sessions is ordered by the President of the United States, his boss, to halt all the Mueller investigation(s), I doubt there will be one cent left in Mueller's war chest to proceed in any manner or form.
Just as a note: The House can dictate to the DOJ on how the funds it appropriates for the DOJ is spent.....therefore the House controls the funds for the Mueller investigation(s).
Being that the House has found nothing that suggests there was any illegal collusion between Trump & the Russians, they would never find that Trump was in any way obstructing in an investigation that at it's core was based on unfounded accusations. Remember too, the Senate can only act on prosecuting the President subsequent to a referral from the House.