Panther wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 7:06pm: Karnal wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 6:57pm: Panther wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 6:42pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 4:36pm: Bobby. wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 4:28pm: longweekend58 wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 3:01pm: No mention of 3 sexual assault suits against Trumpon your fake news link. Longy - get a proper job. 13 seconds into the video: "Three cases in civil court, brought by women, who say they deserve their day in court ... "33 seconds in: Full screen picture of the three women, with large text on the bottom saying " Trump faces lawsuits from three women over alleged sexual encounters". Time to get your ears and eyes checked, boy. Alleged is nothing more than an accusation, mere words, nothing until AFTER proven before a judge, while under oath, in a court of law.........so its 2015/2016 all over again......they show up before every election, then slither away once more just before the election, to crawl under the scummy rocks they slithered out from......
Skank, lying crusty, syphilitic bitches, out for the money from the deep pockets of those that back the democ-RAT party, who will sell any part of themselves for whatever taste they can get. You should know by now, Panther. When you're a star they let you do anything - go for a kiss, grab them by the pussy, whatever you want. There's an exception to trials in a court of law, remember. Obama, as an example, is a foreign-born Muslim. No court needed to prove this. This is just a fact, as you yourself contend. If they make it that far, let's see if they live through their depositions under oath....the first of many months/years of steps, providing the judge believes they have merit....if not, out on their syphilitic puss spewing pussies they go....  Two of the syphilitic pussies have already received legal settlements - in breech of US electoral law. All Obama did was submit a fake birth certificate, as you've proved.