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My Heart beats True for the Red White & Blue...
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Karnal wrote on Mar 22 nd, 2018 at 11:08am: Panther wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 11:57pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 7:24pm: Panther wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 6:42pm: greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 4:36pm: Bobby. wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 4:28pm: longweekend58 wrote on Mar 21 st, 2018 at 3:01pm: No mention of 3 sexual assault suits against Trumpon your fake news link. Longy - get a proper job. 13 seconds into the video: "Three cases in civil court, brought by women, who say they deserve their day in court ... "33 seconds in: Full screen picture of the three women, with large text on the bottom saying " Trump faces lawsuits from three women over alleged sexual encounters". Time to get your ears and eyes checked, boy. Alleged is nothing more than an accusation, mere words, nothing until AFTER proven before a judge, while under oath, in a court of its 2015/2016 all over again......they show up before every election, then slither away once more just before the election, to crawl under the scummy rocks they slithered out from......, lying crusty, syphilitic bitches, out for the money from the deep pockets of those that back the democ-RAT party, who will sell any part of themselves for whatever taste they can get. .. Oh dear. Your strikeout doesn't change anything, except in your own little, immature mind.
Panther, do you believe that Mr Trump is free to sexually abuse whomever he wants?
After all, he can simply pardon himself before the case goes to trial. This is his right under the constitution.
What say you on this freedom? The "Freedom" you speak of does not exist......period. Nor, is commiting a crime a Right of any kind....
Firstly, nobody is free to break the law anytime they wish, against anyone they wish.
Secondly, You should have read the U.S. Constitution before making a total fool of yourself by making an ignorant statement regarding "Presidential Pardons" (Article II, Section 2, Clause 1).
The President can't pardon anyone guilty of breaking anything but a Federal Law....Specifically, An Offense Against the United States.
The Sexual Abuse you speak of probably would involve breaking State Law, & therefore prosecuted at the State level.
Therefore, The President's Constitutional Powers to Pardon would not be applicable. 
Quote:Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution
"The President...shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment." That's it......there is no more......just that one statement........ Source: The Heritage Guide to the US Constitution Quote:The power to pardon is one of the least limited powers granted to the President in the Constitution. The only limits mentioned in the Constitution are that pardons are limited to offenses against the United States (i.e., not civil or state cases), and that they cannot affect an impeachment process. A reprieve is the commutation or lessening of a sentence already imposed; it does not affect the legal guilt of a person. A pardon, however, completely wipes out the legal effects of a conviction. A pardon can be issued from the time an offense is committed, and can even be issued after the full sentence has been served. It cannot, however, be granted before an offense has been committed, which would give the President the power to waive the laws....... Now, depending on the State ( there are 50 ) in which the person is tried, for whatever they are tried for, the Governor of that State may or may not have State Constitutional powers to pardon.....depending on that State's Constitution. ..