In the 'Old' days of our great grandfathers:
Life was (physically) Hard, but (mentally) Simple.
In the 'New' days of our great grandchildren:
Life will be (physically) Easy, but (mentally) Complex.
...this is the New Age of Technology make things physically 'easier' with replacing manual labour, but mentally more complex with all the computerisation.
I got paid a mint working Labourer in Sydney, because every young bloke wants to do IT and other 'mental' jobs.
I got paid to 'work out'!
With the explosion of 'MENTAL' work and existence in the NEW Worlds (Namerica, Oceania, Sahul, Samerica) with the 'mascot' being the big-headed Alien. There is also a high TOLL of 'MENTAL STRESS' ...and psychosis
It's like the brain exhibits a 'broken leg' or worse, incurable paraplegia.
I've worked stressful 'mental' jobs that pay a lot of money because of the mental stress level, where you see other workers with blood-shot eyes from the mental stress of concentration.
Avg Concentration level for the most intelligent is 2.5 hours.
So little wonder that the people of the New Worlds with their 'technological' advantage over Old, are exhibiting mental stress ...and baldness.
The trick in the Old Worlds was to 'evolve' away from the physically strong, but mentally weak 'Cave Man' (mascot) state of being. Being educated and smart proved the 'advantage' of reaping power and wealth.
...but in the New Worlds of the big-headed, weak-bodied 'Alien' (mascot), its definitely the reverse.
Being mentally strong, but physically weak - is for the poor and unempowered a society that has its 'commoness' based upon technology.