You're correct IMO. I'd like to make a succinct reply but I think that it will be a little drawn out and it will require some more thought.
OK edit.
I'm assuming that religious people would assume that athiests, agnostics or deists have never experienced anything that could/would be regarded as paranormal. That's not correct, however, the difference being that the above stated would most probably look to some logical reason for their experience and not blindly attribute it to some ancient book of bs.
It's often stated that "non-believers" consider themselves as God. On the contrary, if there is in fact some interventional supernatural force, then those who rely on logic and reason are God's greatest servants to the gift given to them.
I would stick my neck out to say that, upon reliable proof in the existence of an interventional god, 100% of atheists would embrace God.
But that ain't gonna happen is it? We need to hope and pray that 3 + 3 = 7.
Sorry assholes, I'll stick with the truth and you fodder can go to the hell that you invented. ..and what we don't believe in, so therefore it does not exist for us...only for you.
Science exists for all of us, so therefore, we will always rule you ignorant assholes, unless you learn to compete realistically and in the good name of a non-interventionist God