moses wrote on Sep 5
th, 2018 at 1:45pm:
The qur'an is imbued with verses of evil intentions.
The book is venerated as being the infallible words of a god called allah.(a reinvented pagan moon god)
This book motivates islamic terrorism.
Support for this book, by definition means, support for the terrorism engendered.
There will never be an end to unconscionable islamic torture and killings, until muslims address the evil intent in the qur'an.
Exactly so, moses.
Don't hold your breath though !!
This Adelaide, 'Aussie' moslem, Zainab Abdirahman-Khalif, 23, simply the latest, latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac, inspired by her 'faith'
THE TRUTH [unpalatable to some]
If you are a moslem, if you self-identify as moslem,
you are a person who is aware, of what
the principle tenets of ISLAM are, and what those tenets require of you. are a person who is aware of
your personal obligation, to the
very real strictures of Allah's religion.
to love and hate for the sake of allahGoogle;
Al Wala' Wal Bara' Quote:
Al-wala' wa-l-bara' - is an Arabic term in Islam, meaning "loyalty and disavowal".
It signifies loving and hating for the sake of Allah.
[1] Al-wala' wa-l-bara' is referred to as holding fast to all that is pleasing to Allah, and withdrawing from and opposing all that is displeasing to Allah; namely the Kuffar (non-muslims) who are to be hated..... said....
Yadda said.... Quote:"every moslem in Australia is a latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac"
- Yadda
QUESTION;What about the innocent moslems ?
IMO, [logically] there are no innocent moslems [among persons who have come to the age of consent], and yet still declare themselves to be moslems.
How so [logically] ?
QUESTION;How credible is it that a person who is devout enough to
insist that he is a
moslem, is unaware of what ISLAM promotes, and is unaware of what
the principle tenets of ISLAM are ?
QUESTION;How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'],
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?
QUESTION;How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'], a philosophy which claims that murdering, in the cause of religious bigotry, is a religious virtue ?