Jasin wrote on Feb 4
th, 2019 at 7:20pm:
I can tell you straight PZ - the Big Foot/Sasquatch movement is based entirely upon Hoaxters. Even the guy who 'wore the suit' produced it and admitted to it, even the shakey camera work. All done to attract tourists, etc.
Saw a good Doco on Hoaxes, where they explained and proved everything. Even the Great Depression photos and various photo tricks, etc. I think it was a series to be honest. It was very well done.
I don't think there were Hominids in the Americas - the window of opportunity to cross into Alaska was slim and short compared to the Austral-asian land bridges which were also very shallow and provided 'two' access points each Ice Age.
Probably explains why only one group of people got into the Americas by chance, from Siberia - as the gene pool DNA make-up was the most smallest of any group on the planet to provide for the entire population of the Americas.
I will put money on a Hominid skeleton being found in Australia, be it next year or in 20 years.
Bantu Africans referred to our region of Sahul as 'Ophir'.
An older woman with perfect diction
Cool older guys
Hunting buddies
Lone drivers
Girl walking by a river she knew
all their encounters are unique. Took place in different locations. Some in daytime, some at night and every time in between. People who've lived on the land all their lives and townies. Rain, sun, heat, cold
most admit to shock, fear, disbelief
These people drive trucks, buses, planes. We trust them to conduct surgery and teach our kids. They are ordinary Australians. If they tell me it's going to rain, I look up to the sky. If they tell me a rabid dog is in Smith St, I avoid that street. I trust them to give me correct change and don't expect them to knife me or drive onto the footpath
Don't care about missing bones or who peopled landmasses eons ago. They saw something. It scared and shocked them. I believe them -- most of them anyway
Science tells us we perceive less than 1% of all that exists around us. Mankind has invented gadgets which allow us to view more of the visible spectrum and in time who knows what we'll invent
in the meantime, large bipedal creatures are seen all over this country, in bush mostly and sometimes closer to settled areas. They are said to be capable of chest-shaking sounds, 'once heard, never forgotten'. They are said to be impossibly swift when it suits them and to be able to plough through what most consider very difficult terrain at great speed and to break sizeable trees in the process. Larger than average men state they believed they would have no chance against the creatures in a fight
it's possible the Yowies are interdimensional, capable of assuming material bodies and also capable of dematerialising, which could explain the 'no bones'
we don't know. All we have are witness statements. Many witness statements from a wide variety of witnesses. It's sheer arrogance to imagine we can dismiss those witnesses, particuarly as we base our opinions in a mere 1% of all that is, in our reality alone, whilst surrounded by the other 99% which we're unable to see or hear