Auggie wrote on Nov 9
th, 2018 at 8:18pm:
Valkie wrote on Nov 9
th, 2018 at 4:11pm:
To be honest
I find neither attractive.
Noses too but, lips too big, eyes too brown, hair too black.
And I'm no mother f#$ker
I'm a grandmother f@# ker
And may soon be a great grandmother f#$per.
So there............
And it came to pass that Valkie was led astray into the wilderness by the Satan himself, and that during his wandering therethrough, Valkie hath received a vision from the Lord, at which sight, Valkie knelt before the Lord, and he heard the Lord's words: "Oh, Valkie, my Child, why do you persecute my children, my creation? For doth not thou know that all human beings are created in God's image?"
And valkie sayeth, But lord they are unattractive and while I hold no animosity toward them, I still find them unattractive.
And the Lord saeth, but they are mine creatures, somewhat over cooked granted, but still human.
And Valkie saeth, I know lord, but it is you who made me how I am, I do not find them attractive, I do not find men attractive, I do not find wearing dresses, weird hair or piercings attractive, I am not attracted to women who are masculine. I have one love and she is perfect for me.
And the lord said, I see what you mean, there are a few weirdos out there, Perhaps I made a mistake with free will?
And valkie said, well, you are the lord you can fix it, but first have a good look at the Muzzos, they are a real problem.
And the lord said, yeah Satan's son Mo has caused a bit of trouble, I think Ill just wipe them from the earth, how about that.
Sounds like a plan said Valkie
And the world became a better place, all muzzos dissipated into dust
The world became much nicer and a new era in humanity evolved for one million years.