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Post of the day (Read 59869 times)

Australian Politics

Posts: 135201
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Post of the day
Jan 9th, 2019 at 2:23pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 9th, 2019 at 1:26pm:
None of this has anything to do with the Wall, dear. Illegal border crossings are at an all time low - down by over two-thirds since 2000. There is no "humanitarian crisis".

The majority of illegal aliens in the US are visa overstayers. Most of the crime Mr Trump referred to was not done by border crossers, but as he said, "illegal aliens".

The majority of drugs aren't smuggled in over the border, most come by plane or boat.

Mexico will not "indirectly" pay for the Wall. This doesn't make any sense - Mr Trump didn't even try to explain it. Raising the idea of walls around politicians' homes makes even less sense. Mr Trump's trying to build a Wall, for the most part, in the middle of a desert.

A government shutdown won't pay for the Wall either. No president has ever cut off government funding under similar circumstances. Imagine, 800,000 US employees are now off work or working for no pay at all.

The 5.7 bil won't even pay for the Wall, just one year's funding in an estimated 28 billion project over many years. All experts say this is a huge underestimation of the total cost.

Feel free to stick to the topic, Aquascoot. You don't care about the Wall, you're just here to defend a "strong, confident leader".

Others, however, defend Mr Trump solely because of the Wall. They see it as a race issue - "they're rapists, murderers, they bring in drugs and some, I assume, are good people".

The Wall is essentially a race issue - keeping out people from "shthole countries". It's not a humanitarian crisis and we all know this. The only humanitarian crisis has been the detention of illegal border crossers and the removal of their children. Mr Trump has created a problem, and now, he wants to present a solution.

But a wall is not the solution. Mr Trump said he'd been asked by border security officials to build a wall. This is false. There have been no formal requests, suggestions or reports from ICE or any other agency requesting a wall. The reports, which Democrats and Republicans in congress have already acted upon (and funded) recommended more electronic surveillance.

Mr Trump has changed the design from a "big beautiful wall - not a fence" to steel fenceposts so that border police can see through. They specifically recommended against a wall. A wall would actually hinder their work. They don't want the very thing Mr Trump promised - a fortress that would block off the murderers and rapists and keep them out of sight.

Did you know? The nearly 2 billion already funded by government to secure the border has not even been spent. In a "humanitarian crisis", Mr Trump hasn't even got to work on what border officials have requested, and what the congress and senate have already funded. And this, from a property developer "who builds things", who always comes in "ahead of time and under budget".

Mr Trump's speech was surprising in that it just reiterated what Mr Trump's already said. Nothing was announced - no emergency powers or military intervention. It was a last-ditch effort from a president who is utterly out of his depth, and possibly in his last days.

This is certainly the feeling in the White House by all accounts. Mr Trump is desperate to fund a core erection promise that no one wants or needs. Mr Trump, as president of the United States, is blindly tilting at a windmill. He doesn't even care about the Wall, he's just worried he'll have no political clout if he doesn't at least try.

Maybe, but he's not going to get it, so why try so hard?

Obama, with all his concessions and deals, finally got health care through a Republican house and senate. Mr Trump can't get his Wall through a Republican house and senate. Why would he succeed now?

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Australian Politics

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Re: Post of the day
Reply #1 - Jan 10th, 2019 at 12:47pm

tickleandrose wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 11:51am:
Using color of the skin - a mere reflection and absorption of light as basis for one's action and quality is both infantile and ignorant. 
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Australian Politics

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Re: Post of the day
Reply #2 - Jan 10th, 2019 at 10:43pm
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 9:21pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 9:19pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 8:53pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 8:47pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 8:41pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 8:39pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 8:27pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 8:14pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 8:12pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 8:07pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 7:56pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 7:53pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 7:51pm:
Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 7:47pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 10th, 2019 at 7:11pm:
Nobody would care if the Sudos weren't causing so many problems. Their poor public profile is brought about by their behaviour. That's all it is. Colour has very little to do with it.

That's right, Homo. Nobody would care whether the Sudos were Boongs, Gollywogs, Tree Monkeys or just blacks = bad.

Colour has very little to do with it.

You got it. As far as multiculturalism goes I don't want to hear about imported problems. Imported problems make me realise how stupid our politicians are. I despise these people more than the Sudo crims.

So why are you talking about Sudos? This one's about blacks.

What were you saying about colour?

It's you who is making this issue about colour. All I'm bothered about is a migrant group who are 77 times more represented in the legal justice system  than the wider community in Victoria. If the were pink with purple poka dots I'd still mention them.

So why are you raising this particular tinted race in a thread about banning blacks?
I was responding to the part of the thread about  the colour black being associated with everything bad and how it colours peoples perceptions of the negroid Karnal. Didn't you read what Jasin wrote?

You're talking about Sudos. What do they have to do with blacks?

Because Sudos and African's in general display behaviour I'm not to keen on. Get on youtube and watch a white funeral and a black funeral. At a white funeral you'll see the women wiping their eyes with a hankerchief and a few people quietly crying. At a black funeral they wail and try to rush the coffin. African's have real issues with extreme behaviour related to impulse control. That's why they shoot each other over rubbish. I find it worrying. Another ethnic group like this are Maori.

Yes, but what do they have in common?
Over represented violent criminality. Poor impusle control. There's nothing wrong with talking about this stuff., It should be talked about more.

Sudos, Maoris and, forgive me for saying this, blacks?

I suppose they are considered black people.

How about Boongs?

Aborigines? Never thought about it.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Post of the day
Reply #3 - Feb 4th, 2019 at 11:58am
Mattyfisk wrote on Feb 4th, 2019 at 11:53am:
The Donald understands it perfectly because he is the very epitome of the durr state, dear. His entire life to date has been accumulating tacky baubles in an attempt to show how great he is. Gold-plated lifts, fake Renoirs, the most expensive private yacht in the world that he bought only to say that he had the most expensive yacht in the world.

The money? It all came from his dad and investors who lost their shirts. The truth is the Donald owns the most kitch apartment in the world, full of fake Louis IV furniture and gold-plated fittings.

The Donald lives the durr state, dear. He's a spoilt rich kid who's been carried on the "narrow path to success". He has no idea of how Fat Steve and Janeen live, just that in Amerika, they value all that krap.

The Donald thinks this makes him "respectable". The Superior Man sees a man in the durr state - a man incapable of governing his own life. The Donald values krap. He has no sense of work, drive or integrity. He sells the Trump brand as the mark of success, but no one in the US can invest because of the bankruptcies - no bank or insurer will underwrite it.The Trump brand is a financial risk because of the Donald.

The "narrow path to success" is paved with discipline, integrity, honesty, compassion. All the great books and teachings tell you this. The Donald is the only man to sell a series of ghostwritten self-help books that instruct people on to get one over the other guy. Just imagine: books like How To Win Friends and Influence People teach listening, understanding, cooperation, win-win. The Donald instructs his followers to make the other guy lose. The other guy has to give away something dear to him to satisfy the Donald. He calls this an art.


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Australian Politics

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Re: Post of the day
Reply #4 - Feb 5th, 2019 at 8:40am
Mattyfisk wrote on Feb 4th, 2019 at 5:14pm:
No, Aquascoot, all presidents do not immerse themselves in the durr state. They surround themselves with capable staffers who try to keep them out of it. You know, chiefs of staff to help plan their time, senior cabinet members to advise them and help run the government, security advisors to give them the best intelligence, political advisors to help them plan tactics.

The Donald? He won't work with a chief of staff, hence he has hardly any planned meetings or appointments. Most of his days are blocked out as "administrative time". This is where he watches TV and Tweets. In the last week, he's had 3 official meetings. He's now playing golf in Mar a Lago. On average, the Donald spends 3 to 4 hours a day in the Oval Office, compared to past presidents who spent 9 or 10, before they rushed off to state dinners. With the exception of the odd sports team, the Donald doesn't host them. He prefers to eat McDonalds in his room.

The Donald doesn't take much advice, which is a good thing. Over 60% of his cabinet have either been fired or quit (his favourite was arrested for lying to the FBI). Even the Donald's loyal Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is rumoured to be leaving after less than a year. After years of being ignored, his last secretary of defence finally quit, giving the Donald a letter explaining why. The Donald patted him on the back and said how great James Mattis was. The Donald doesn't read letters, so the press had to tell him what was in it. The Donald then fired the man believed by most in Washington to have been the last grown-up in the Donald's cabinet. The nerve! You can't quit - you're fired.

The Donald doesn't listen to security advisors or intelligence either. He even tells the heads of the CIA and NSA to go back to school - what would they know? The Donald wants them to listen to him! It's unknown where the Donald gets his intelligence from because he only has about one security briefing a week and never reads the daily reports. Fox News is the most likely source, along with a strangely Russian take on foreign policy no one has worked out where it comes from.

The Donald's political advisors are now mostly facing jail time, but he does listen to Fox News hosts. The Republicans are blaming Hannity and Judge Janine for talking the Donald into shutting down the government and creating all that hassle for nothing. The Donald's paid advisors can't even get him to read an autocue. Mind you, he listens to his attractive daughter, the lovely Ivanka. She helped the Donald host the Apprentice, so she has some experience in political planning and working with Congress to draft policy.

But I'm curious. I have a question I'm dying to answer, dear. We call a politician who makes fake promises to get erected a salesman, right? We call one who pretends he's a victim of his own security forces a trickster. So what do we call one who gets impeached for lying about having sex with that woman, hypothetically speaking?

Cheers, dears.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Post of the day
Reply #5 - Feb 6th, 2019 at 11:35am
Mattyfisk wrote on Feb 6th, 2019 at 11:16am:
The government does NOT need that drama, Aquascoot, and they can name the three branches of government. That's their job.

The public are dismayed by the Donald's Tweets. His staffers and cabinet are even more dismayed. Many have resigned over them. Polls show that around 70% of voters think he should focus on his job. Even his loyalists, Fat Steve and Janeen, say he should cut down on the Tweets and act more like a president.

The US presidency runs the world's biggest military. It's responsible for US security and foreign policy, which includes other countries' security.

The Donald is undermining this all on his own. His party disagrees with his stance, the intelligence community clearly disagrees, and the general public disagree. The Donald's foreign policies are counter-productive and unanimously unpopular. Chinese tariffs have decimated some US exports, particularly agriculture. His sanctions on Iran oppose the consensus of the rest of the world, who continue to trade. Obama's deal worked. Iran ceased its nuclear program. The Donald has welched on the deal.

Then there's Syria and ISIS - completely out of step with US intelligence. Imagine, the president has an entire agency who's job is to give him foreign intelligence, and the Donald brushes it aside.

The Donald has another agency telling him about the Mexican border. The Donald ignores them and pretends crooks murderers and drug smugglers are coming over the border. None of them are. All those crooks he mentions entered the US on visas. The drug and gun caches laid out for the media? Seized at entry check points.

So I'm curious. Do you think world leaders should create fake, counter-productive and even dangerous policies to entertain the masses?

And no, dear, I don't feel cheated. I've been telling you this all along.

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Australian Politics

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Re: Post of the day
Reply #6 - Feb 14th, 2019 at 10:05am
SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 14th, 2019 at 9:30am:
Classic light, backed into a corner, spams an entire page worth of posts to cover it up.

The thread boils down to you complaining about a decision on here you didn't like because it meant you cannot attack others here accusing them of supporting child porn.

You've tried to change the goal posts to pretend you have a genuine concern about the issue, despite being handed on a silver plater the means by which you can take action to at least attempt to prevent the South Park imagery that was the basis for your complaint and the original topic of this thread, but you refuse to do anything about it, eroding even the slightest notion of your motives being genuine.

It is there for all to see.

As usual, I see no point in going around in circles with this.  You won't budge, you'll refuse to accept reality or "see the light" and we'd just be wasting everybody's time, as was always the case when you'd been confronted with evidence you can't handle. 

When you get stuck on spam and silly memes, we all know you've lost.

I'll leave this thread, you'll make some other absurd claims or personal attacks, it will go ignored and you'll think you've won.

As long as everything is ok in your own little reality yeah?

I honestly thought you might have come back a better person after your break.


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Australian Politics

Posts: 135201
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Re: Post of the day
Reply #7 - Feb 14th, 2019 at 10:19am
greggerypeccary wrote on Feb 14th, 2019 at 10:05am:
SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 14th, 2019 at 9:30am:
Classic light, backed into a corner, spams an entire page worth of posts to cover it up.

The thread boils down to you complaining about a decision on here you didn't like because it meant you cannot attack others here accusing them of supporting child porn.

You've tried to change the goal posts to pretend you have a genuine concern about the issue, despite being handed on a silver plater the means by which you can take action to at least attempt to prevent the South Park imagery that was the basis for your complaint and the original topic of this thread, but you refuse to do anything about it, eroding even the slightest notion of your motives being genuine.

It is there for all to see.

As usual, I see no point in going around in circles with this.  You won't budge, you'll refuse to accept reality or "see the light" and we'd just be wasting everybody's time, as was always the case when you'd been confronted with evidence you can't handle. 

When you get stuck on spam and silly memes, we all know you've lost.

I'll leave this thread, you'll make some other absurd claims or personal attacks, it will go ignored and you'll think you've won.

As long as everything is ok in your own little reality yeah?

I honestly thought you might have come back a better person after your break.


SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 13th, 2019 at 8:32pm:
SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 13th, 2019 at 8:19pm:
And I know this to be 100% true because I've just checked the links I posted and it seems that in quoting them the links broke and don't work.

Here are the links, for the last time.

Use them, don't use them, I don't care.

But what you do next dictates your motives and makes your intent on this subject clear for everyone to see.

Episode Rating: M

Contact the Classification Board to complain about the rating

How to report suspicious behaviour online

Report offensive or illegal content

But for the record, you are literally the only person in the world complaining that this is Child Exploitation Material...

I've looked.  It's not even mentioned on Wikipedia or even those silly Christian Mothers groups.

It is literally only you. 

And you're not doing anything about it...

You're not special, you've not stumbled on a hidden truth, there is no conspiracy, you're just trolling.  It's very telling about you that you'd exploit this very real and serious issue in this way.

The evidence is there for all to see.

You've been exposed.

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Australian Politics

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Gender: male
Re: Post of the day
Reply #8 - Feb 18th, 2019 at 10:03am
polite_gandalf wrote on Feb 18th, 2019 at 9:57am:
Whats the best way to start up the boats?

Take an insignificant passing of a bill that only affects existing detainees - and shout from the rooftops that this is such a great opportunity for people who might arrive by boat.

The cynicial and totally irresponsible opportunism of the government over this bill - putting our border security directly at risk - is shocking and despicable.

If boats do start up again, it will be because Morrison, not Shorten, laid out the welcome mat.

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Australian Politics

Posts: 135201
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Re: Post of the day
Reply #9 - Feb 21st, 2019 at 1:41pm
SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 21st, 2019 at 1:26pm:
Tell me this, do you know how the drugs enter the country?

Here is a "hint", it's through the ports of entry.  We know this because of statistics released by the Government of their official agencies who fight this.

It's a very simple question, how will the wall help with that?

We also know that when it comes to crime, those in the US illegally make up a very small percentage of the perpetrators.

It's a very simple question, how will the wall help with reducing Crime, Rape and Murder like the President claims?

We also know of those illegals, the vast majority don't enter the US via illegal border crossings but instead overstay after legal entry.

It's a very simple question, how will the wall help with that?

If the problem is so severe that it necessitates a National Emergency, why is the solution proposed so off the target?

From the evidence, including those showing that all the incidents that Trump and his supporters are claiming we need a wall to resolve have been on a decline over the last 40 years and some are even at all time lows.

It's almost as if there is no emergency...?

This is what people mean when they say you have no evidence to support your claims.

It is a 100% politically motivated proposal to help Trump in the 2020 election that is exploiting laws, bypassing the constitution and disrespecting the country and their people.

Trump and his supporters are not, and never have, taken an evidence-based approach.  This time, however, he's taken it a step too far and not even the normalising of his standard dishonest behaviour can protect him this time. 

Disrespecting the constitution, the people and the country is something not even his fellow Republicans will take lying down.

25th Amendment.

Imagine if these actions that he's taken become normalised.

Imagine a far left President using the National Emergency Powers to force anything from allowing abortion (due to overpopulation or for the safety of mothers) on a federal scale, enforcing Gun restrictions because the streets have become a warzone or taking real action on climate change?

Is this a door you really want to forever be left open?

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Sir Spot of Borg
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Posts: 26485
Re: Post of the day
Reply #10 - Feb 21st, 2019 at 2:36pm
That is a good post

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I'm a 
- edited by some unethical admin - you think its funny? - its a slippery slope
WWW PoliticsAneReligion  
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Australian Politics

Posts: 135201
Gender: male
Re: Post of the day
Reply #11 - Feb 22nd, 2019 at 9:30am
Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Feb 21st, 2019 at 2:36pm:
That is a good post



It needs bumping.

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 21st, 2019 at 1:26pm:
Tell me this, do you know how the drugs enter the country?

Here is a "hint", it's through the ports of entry.  We know this because of statistics released by the Government of their official agencies who fight this.

It's a very simple question, how will the wall help with that?

We also know that when it comes to crime, those in the US illegally make up a very small percentage of the perpetrators.

It's a very simple question, how will the wall help with reducing Crime, Rape and Murder like the President claims?

We also know of those illegals, the vast majority don't enter the US via illegal border crossings but instead overstay after legal entry.

It's a very simple question, how will the wall help with that?

If the problem is so severe that it necessitates a National Emergency, why is the solution proposed so off the target?

From the evidence, including those showing that all the incidents that Trump and his supporters are claiming we need a wall to resolve have been on a decline over the last 40 years and some are even at all time lows.

It's almost as if there is no emergency...?

This is what people mean when they say you have no evidence to support your claims.

It is a 100% politically motivated proposal to help Trump in the 2020 election that is exploiting laws, bypassing the constitution and disrespecting the country and their people.

Trump and his supporters are not, and never have, taken an evidence-based approach.  This time, however, he's taken it a step too far and not even the normalising of his standard dishonest behaviour can protect him this time. 

Disrespecting the constitution, the people and the country is something not even his fellow Republicans will take lying down.

25th Amendment.

Imagine if these actions that he's taken become normalised.

Imagine a far left President using the National Emergency Powers to force anything from allowing abortion (due to overpopulation or for the safety of mothers) on a federal scale, enforcing Gun restrictions because the streets have become a warzone or taking real action on climate change?

Is this a door you really want to forever be left open?

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Captain Nemo
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Re: Post of the day
Reply #12 - Feb 25th, 2019 at 10:02pm
John Smith wrote on Feb 25th, 2019 at 4:58pm:
only a true mentally retarded buggerwit would try to turn this terrible attack by white people on a police officer, into an anti black thread.

Well said sir!

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The 2025 election could be a shocker.
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Australian Politics

Posts: 135201
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Re: Post of the day
Reply #13 - Feb 26th, 2019 at 1:12am

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 25th, 2019 at 10:02pm:
John Smith wrote on Feb 25th, 2019 at 4:58pm:
only a true mentally retarded buggerwit would try to turn this terrible attack by white people on a police officer, into an anti black thread.

Well said sir!



Someone's budgie smugglers are obviously too tight.

What a horrible little racist he is.

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Australian Politics

Posts: 135201
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Re: Post of the day
Reply #14 - Mar 6th, 2019 at 3:00pm
Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 2:53pm:
I'd be tempted to, Brandon, sure. But I'd also be looking at the evidence and listening to what Pell's barrister presumably said about beyond any reasonable doubt.

I have doubts that the victim could not easily have made up a story to attack Pell and the Catholic Church. I also have doubt, as Pell said, that there wouldn't have been plenty of people milling around after a service of that size. Why would Pell put himself at such risk?

I have doubt, legitimate I think, that Pell would do something like this in a church after a mass. One thing Pell does have is a deep-seated belief in the rituals and sanctimony of the Catholic Church. Pell is most definitely a holier-than-thou kind of guy.

The look on Pell's face when he was told of these charges was genuine, I think. You could see the blood rise straight to his head and face. It is indeed a farcical charge - a priest of Pell's stature pulling out his dick and orally raping two boys as punishment for breaking into the priest's chamber. Pell's right - it's a ludicrous claim, even if true.

These are all doubts, Brandon. They've also caused me to doubt the 7.30 Report allegations made about Pell in his younger days in Melbourne. As the court ruled, none of that was provable, could easily have been misconstrued or didn't meet the threshold for a criminal act.

When I saw the witnesses describing their claims, I was convinced. I believed Pell was guilty for sure. The court found otherwise.

What I'm saying is I have reasonable doubts that have not been put to rest. I think for a trial of this magnitude, we should be presented with the evidence the jury went on. Members of the Catholic Church have come out to confirm these doubts, and I can understand them perfectly. Without the evidence, Pell is being turned into a martyr.

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