Brian Ross
Frank wrote on Feb 2 nd, 2019 at 9:30pm: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 2 nd, 2019 at 7:23pm: Frank wrote on Feb 2 nd, 2019 at 6:24pm: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 2 nd, 2019 at 4:05pm: Frank wrote on Feb 2 nd, 2019 at 2:30pm: Brian Ross wrote on Feb 2 nd, 2019 at 2:19pm: moses wrote on Feb 2 nd, 2019 at 1:27pm: @ forked tongue: Quote:moses wrote [quote]You may recall I said muhammad taught to bash women, rape them, lock them in houses until they died if they upset you forked tongue wrote Quote:Did he? Really? Mmmm? So what are we to deduce from this little exchange? Well it's patently obvious that f.t. has absolutely no misgivings about the qur'an teaching men to bash, rape and forcefully detain women in a house until they die. Quote:moses wrote Quote:O.K. so I referenced bashing, rape and forced detention until death.
What's funny is you backed away from every one of these things sanctioned in islam so let's examine your claims. forked tongue wrote Quote:I have not "backed away" from anything. I have put forward that Christianity's New Testament, that wonderful book that you claim shows that Christianity cares and is so fulfilly. Yeah, it you are a man perhaps, Moses but women? Oh, no! They can't hold positions of authority, they cannot teach, they must be subservient to men. Tsk, tsk, caught out again, hey, Moses? Your interpretations are just that, interpretations. When one examines what Paul said, it is as heinous as anything that you claim Mohammed said. It is the bedrock that misogyny is founded upon. It reflects it's age. Today, no woman should stand for such crap and rightfully so. Christianity is as misogynist as you claim Islam is. Further proof that f.t. is desperately trying to excuse muhammads' bash, rape and forced detention teachings. f.t. is pathetically telling us that the (no longer used) 2019 year old teachings of men must love wives / women must love husbands, women be modest, women can't be teachers in the church, are as *heinous* as the directions to bash, rape and lock women in houses till they die. old forked tongue is one sick demented puppy. He has not got the intestinal fortitude to call islam for what it is, a sick depraved death cult. Moses, as much as you deny it, under Christianity, women are meant to be subservient to men - they are not allowed to hold positions of authority, to teach, they must obey their men folk - in other words, they are second class citizens. This is exactly what you charge Islam with, yet here we have examples drawn from the New Testament, the wonderful, the touchy-feely part of The Bible as you describe it, which has supposedly overturned all the bad things of the Old Testament. Yeah, sure. Moses, you are a Christian bigot. I have made no excuses for Islam, despite what you claim. Islam is a product of attitudes prevalent 1400 years ago. Christianity is a product of attitudes prevalent 2000 years ago. You run along, believe in what ever sky fairy that tickles your fancy. However, leave Muslims to believe in what ever sky fairy tickles their fancy, OK? You don't have the right or the power to stop them. Bollocks, Bwian, stupid bollocks as usual. The head of the Anglican Church is a woman, has been for over 60 years. See! She is a heretic! Burn her, burn her, before she pollutes all those other Christians! Actually, she is the, what, fifth in a long line of Queens of the UK? Of course, having a Queen as the Head of State for a Christian nation is heretical, according to Christian. Funny that, hey, Soren? You remain resolutely out of your mind. So, you see no contradiction between what The Bible instructs it's followers to believe and do and what they do, Soren? None at all? Really? The only contradiction I see is - how can you be so stupid and still not have been run over by a bus? That's the only contradiction we are all scratching our heads about. Your stupidity is fascinating, Bwian. You are a deeply damaged person and you were stupid to begin with. Gee, I love you too, Soren but I don't resort continually to childish ad hominem insults. Such a waste of time and effort. Quote:What is the fundamental difference betwen the bible and the koran? See that and the scales will fall from your eyes. But of course you do not WANT to see the difference but wish to be stupid, have resolved to remain stupid no matter what, and so you will carry on stupidly. Oh, there are differences, I agree. However what is much more important is how the Believers act despite what they are instructed to do in their holy books. Christians are told to kill unbelievers and apostates. Muslims are told to kill unbelievers and apostates. Yet neither group really does that nowadays, do they? I wonder why? Care to hazard a guess, Soren or do you just prefer to insult people? Tsk, tsk.