John Smith wrote on Jan 26
th, 2019 at 3:03pm:
does fd support democracy or not?
is it only a good thing when the people vote for something he agree's with?
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan support
democracy, in Turkey ?
Oh yeah, he did, when once upon a time the Turkish people were 'sovereign', and Erdogan was seeking 'legitimate' political authority to rule in Turkey.
Erdogan had to convince the Turkish people to vote for him, instead of for another guy, who opposed Erdogan's politics and policies.
But today 'democracy' in Turkey has been usurped.
How ?
Because today,
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has taken control of the political state,
and now Erdogan's opinion is that anyone who does not agree with his views,
is a 'terrorist', and needs to be either detained or killed.It is a relatively simple matter for a budding dictator, to sway a naive people, and to use a democratic mandate [process], as a means to be 'gifted' political power, by a populace.
if sovereignty [political power] does not [
in every real sense] remain with the people of a country, then what exists, is no longer a 'democracy' nor democratic form of government.