John Smith wrote on Jan 28
th, 2019 at 3:29pm:
Mr Hammer wrote on Jan 28
th, 2019 at 2:36pm:
mothra wrote on Jan 28
th, 2019 at 2:32pm:
No Grap ... you're a snowflake about any suggestion that men be criticised, preferring to think of the white man as the primary victim of today's clime.
Yet you're a colossal bigot who routinely lumps other demographics into homogeneous blobs and hold the entire group accountable for the worst actions of the worst behaved.
And the kicker is, you'll never see it, let alone admit it.
Why do you always bang on about white males all of the time Mothra?
she's talking about you guys on this forum .... how else would you describe you and Grap? Yellow?
I call BS - I always place YOUR and other's one-sided remarks in the context of equal treatment for all - never once do I cry 'victim'.. the 'victim crying' is the Aboriginal contingent whining about a day of European settlement arrival
Your not so subtle attempt to play the shame game, by inferring that any discussion of very real grievances for men and boys in this day and age is somehow 'whinging' and 'playing the victim', does not work.
I don't call wogs wogs, or darkies darkies, or mussos mussos - until they play up.... then they get what they deserve... you treat me with respect and I'll treat you with respect - you make a point of disrespecting me - I'll make a point of disrespecting you. You are a total liar - I always lump nasty types within groups as nasty types, while always saying that most are not like that, and I NEVER say that an entire group, such as Muslims, are all bad.
Kaffir Luvvahs are all bad... but then they can't help it and they usually have zero real experience .... those they claim to Luv are as mixed as any other social group, with good and bad. I've known good Koons and bad Koons - and never ever have I done anything to any, good or bad.
I WILL, however, openly and freely discuss without fear or favour the very real issues of arbitrary changing of our society and our nation, without consultation with the people.
You'll work it out one day - you are such a bigot and a whiteyophobe and a manophobe.... dumb as dog sh1t. (you insult me - I'll insult you)...
Christ some of you people need to grow up and confront reality.