moses wrote on Feb 3
rd, 2019 at 2:22pm:
@ old forky tongue
Quote:None of my Muslim friends are Terrorists or Terrorist sympathisers or supporters, Moses - unlike your Christian friends it seems. Tsk, tsk, who'd have thunk it, Moses a friend and sympathiser to Terrorists.
Every single one of them absolutely supports as being perfect and unchangeable, the cause and motivation for islamic atrocities around the globe (the qur'an).
Why then are so few motivated to become Terrorists and murder their fellow Muslims, Moses? Mmmm?
Quote:They support the cause they support the atrocities engendered.
This is why they serve in the Australian Defence Forces in the Middle East and kill Terrorists, is it, Moses?
Quote:You're right there with them cheering the fundamentalist muslims on in the exact same manner.
They are dismissive of the extremist Islamists and resent being bundled by Islamophobes, like yourself into the same bag as them, Moses. You do them, as your fellow Australians, a real disservice. You disgust me with your constant Islamophobia.
Quote:Yeah, funny how a small band of loonies have managed to incite powerful Western Governments. It is almost as if those Governments were looking for an excuse, hey?
You know what is probably the joke of the millennium (well it definitely would be if it wasn't so deadly serious)?
You care to explain how the West has managed to kill so many Muslims and they still can't stop Islamist extremists from striking back at them, Moses? Perhaps they're using the wrong sorts of bombs/bullets/shells? Mmmm? Perhaps you should advise them to adopt the normal American approach to such matters - "kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out!" That worked real well in Indochina, didn't it? It's worked real well in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria...

I'll tell you:
Christians reinvented Christ's moon god into a god of hatred for all non-believers, apostates and blasphemers.
They told the Christians that Yahweh said that all Christians who did slay and be slain in the quest to spread Christianity across the land, would be the highest grade of Christian and assured a place in heaven.
To make it a better deal Christians preached that said heaven was actually a brothel filled with Angels with big tits and little Cherubs.
The vast majority of Christian teachings were that Yahweh hated the non-believer.
Now in the dim dark past, well the primitive Christians lapped this stuff up, so they slaughtered their way across the lands spreading Christianity.
However come to the present time and the world has progressed, values have changed and the barbaric activities of the past ages are now defunct, no one believes them, except for guess who? (your Christian friends)
Now why do the Christians still believe and carry out all these atrocities in the name of their god Yahweh (who is afterall a Jewish god)?
The answer is that Christians abuse their children from birth with Christianity, an Opiate of the Masses, it is drummed into them day after day hour after hour, the kids grow up brainwashed from birth on.
The irony is that Christians train their kids to be the wife bashers, honour killers, terrorists, rapists etc., with their continual brainwashing.
Furthermore as we have seen the *moderates* prefer to kill their brainwashed fundamentalists rather than simply questioning the Bible and getting rid of all the crap in it which has put them exactly where they are today 2019.
I'd hazard a guess that if the millions of innocent people who have been raped tortured and slaughtered in the past 2020 odd years, could see where the Christians are at right now killing their own kids with hunger and refugee flight, killing each other because of what the Bible says, millions of them fleeing around the globe demanding the hated unbelievers feed and shelter them etc., they would laugh their guts out at the self made plight of the Christians.