By Andrew Harrod on Feb 02, 2019
UAE Forum Promotes Dubious Islamic Peace
“Peace and love are at the center of our religion, as evidenced by scripture and history,” stated Sheikh Abdullah Bin Bayyah at the inaugural 2014 Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies (FPPMS) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Despite his radical past, such positive portrayals of Islam continue to suffuse the recent December 5-7, 2018 FPPMS and related events, although, as this multipart investigation will show, the forum’s reality is far more controversial.
Bin Bayyah’s 2014 address suffers from a bad case of what Stephen M. Kirby has extensively analyzed as
Fantasy Islam.
“Our religion and our heritage are
rich with tools for resolving conflicts” and “includes one of the
richest legal and ethical systems humanity has ever seen,” he stated....
He made no mention of the Islamic sharia law dhimmitude contracts that held conquered non-Islamic populations in abject subjugation throughout history in the name of Islam’s prophet Muhammad.
Rather, these laws apparently formed for Bin Bayyah a historical myth in which....
Muslims followed the example of the Prophet, Allah’s peace and blessings upon him, by spreading peace through treaties and agreements.
Over several centuries, they signed more than a thousand treaties and agreements with Europe, thus contributing to the establishment of world peace.
Bin Bayyah shares a suspect past with his associate, the American Muslim convert Hamza Yusuf, who wrote a forward to a 2014 FPPMS companion booklet.
Therein he declared that Muslims created
“societies that became some of the most tolerant and peaceful in human history,”....