'Brisbane Airport Bomb Scare, by a follower of ISLAM, not terror'
- Qld policeIMAGE.....

"Man Arrested After Brisbane Airport Evacuated Over Bomb Scare - “terrorism was later ruled out” "
Quote:By Robert Spencer on Feb 03, 2019
Australian: Muslim brandishes knife and makes bomb threat, “terrorism was later ruled out”
Of course.
Only greasy Islamophobes could possibly get the idea that
a Muslim brandishing a knife and claiming to have a bomb could have anything to do with terrorism.
“The device was found to be ‘inert’, but Queensland Police Commissioner Ian Stewart said its complex appearance ‘indicates just
the extraordinary lengths that a person has gone to to create perception of risk, threat and fear.'”
https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/02/australian-muslim-brandishes-knife-and-makes-...Allah's Apostle said,
I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy)...."
hadith/bukhari #004.052.220
".....I have been given superiority......;
I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies):....."
hadithsunnah/muslim/ #004.1062
One of Australia’s busiest international airports was locked down after a man brandished a knife and made a bomb threat at a food court, prompting travellers to flee in panic, officials said Sunday.
Queensland state police said they evacuated Brisbane Airport’s international terminal late Saturday after finding a “suspicious device” when they responded to reports of the 50-year-old man, who spoke Arabic, threatening a woman.
Terrorism was later ruled out as the cause and the man was charged with domestic violence offences, falsely claiming to destroy or damage an aviation facility, and making a hoax bomb threat.
https://www.jihadwatch.org/2019/02/australian-muslim-brandishes-knife-and-makes-...How could anyone believe that, a follower of ISLAM,
making a hoax bomb, brandishing a knife, and making a bomb threat at 'one of Australia’s busiest international airports', be terrorism, or be in any way be associated with an ISLAMIC terrorist act ???
Its ridiculous !
Its absurd !
/sarc offPROPOSITION;In criminal incident after criminal incident [involving followers of ISLAM in Australia], we can see that the Australian Federal government and its agencies,
1/ are facilitating the spread of the acceptance and perception, among the followers of ISLAM, that ISLAMIC law, is above Australian law, in Australia, and,
2/ that these agencies are actively protecting the spread of violent 'ISLAMIC cultural values', among the followers of ISLAM, in Australia.They do this, whenever any follower of ISLAM is not held to account [IN TRUTH] for their actions.
This happens, when Australian authorities publicly announce that an incident
which was clearly intended to cause fear and terror in a public place,
"Man Arrested After Brisbane Airport Evacuated Over Bomb Scare"
"Terrorism was later ruled out..."
And yet, such incidents as these, are
NOT terror related ???
How could a follower of ISLAM, making a hoax bomb, brandishing a knife, and making a bomb threat at 'one of Australia’s busiest international airports',
NOT be terrorism, and be deemed to NOT be associated with an terrorist act, inspired by 'lawful' ISLAMIC cultural values ???
'Inspired by 'lawful' ISLAMIC cultural values ???'AGAIN.....
Allah's Apostle said,
I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy)...."
hadith/bukhari #004.052.220
".....I have been given superiority......;
I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies):....."
hadithsunnah/muslim/ #004.1062