mortimer says
Feb 5, 2019 at 7:37 pm
Pope Francis has committed the FALLACY OF BELIEF IN UNIVERSAL VALUES.
Pope Francis believes without evidence that ISLAM ADVOCATES GOOD WILL TO PEOPLE OF OTHER FAITHS.
It does not.
Nowhere in the Koran is there an expression of the Golden Rule therefore, it is of no importance in Islam and Muslims have no reason to observe it.
Since Islam’s most important message to humanity (the Noble Koran) does not contain the Golden Rule, it is logical that it was unimportant to Allah.
This explains why he entirely omitted it from the Koran.
The Golden Rule is held to be central by all religions except Islam.Muslims are surprised to learn their faith does not teach it, but rather, teaches the opposite…to hate infidels ‘for the sake of Allah’.
That doctrine (of actual hatred towards non-Muslims) is the second most important doctrine in Islam and is called ‘Al-Walaa wal-Baraa’ (allegiance to Muslims and disassociation from infidels).
There is, however, a very restricted version of the principle of reciprocity found in the Hadiths.
The Hadiths are a subsidiary collection of sayings and acts of Mohammed and his companions.
They have much less authority than the Koran, but contain a version of the Golden Rule which applies only among “brother” Muslims.
This Islamic “brotherhood rule” is not universal and does not apply to non-Muslims.
Islam divides the entire world into Islam and the Kafirs (unbelievers) and has two separate sets of ethics for each sphere.
The enslavement of Kafirs on the basis of religion is clearly a breach of the Golden Rule.
The Golden Rule cancels slavery.
The basis of the Golden Rule is the universal equality of all humankind, regardless of their religion, race or origin.
It does not say: Do unto some persons, as you would have them do unto you, but do unto all persons as you would have them do unto you.
Islam denies the universality of the Golden Rule because Islam starts with the division of all humanity, into two different groups:
Islamic and non-Islamic.
Every aspect of Islamic ethics is based upon this separation, thus Islam has two different ethical codes.
Said another way, Islam has dualistic ethics.
Thus, in Islam, “Good” is whatever advances Islam; “Evil” is whatever resists Islam.
Islam’s ethics are opportunistic and inconsistent; therefore they are not ‘moral’ but opportunistic.
In the Koran, the main concern is that of forcing the peoples of the earth to submit to Islam and then keeping them in it, as if in a mental prison.
Thus, Allah did not forget to include 164 Koranic verses commanding Muslims to go on jihaad (holy wars of conquest)
and many verses commanding Muslims to murder renegades from Islam.
Such verses are opposed to and irreconcilable with the Golden Rule.
If such angry verses were removed, 61% of the Koran, 75% of the Sira and 20% of the Hadiths would disappear.
Finally, the Koranic concepts of ‘kafir’ (an impure, subhuman non-Muslim) and ‘jihad’ (sacred warfare to remove the human rights and civil liberties of kafirs and ethnically cleanse them) entirely preclude the Golden Rule by stating kafirs are unequal to Muslims.
The Golden Rule affirms that all people are inherently equal, unlike Islam.
[In ISLAM...] A kafir may never be treated equally to a Muslim, nor offered genuine friendship or love.
This is perhaps the strongest argument that Islam is an exclusive, supremacist cult:
The Golden Rule is entirely missing from the Koran, both from the letter as well as the spirit of Islam’s original texts.
Who can get these facts into the mind of the pope?