PZ547 wrote on Apr 6
th, 2019 at 6:54am:
Quote:Check out this interview with Jewish Zionist Rabbi Abe Finklestein with a Christian pastor James Wickstrom, where the rabbi admits the following in Part 5
Quote:' We steal a hundred to three hundred thousand children a year, just here in this country and we drain their blood and we mix it with the Passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own and we grind up all the bodies into sausages and hamburgers, McDonald's is one of our favourite outlets and the people, they eat them for breakfast and they eat them for lunch
Ok, is this for real?
I've just listened to the recording of Part 5
only ten minutes
The rabbi said it alright. But was he serious?
Listen for yourself
LINK many blessings,
this is a very interesting subject and yes ,
by putting the aborted blood and tissue , even satanic sacrifice content into the meat sausages , food , drinks like popular fizzy drinks ,even lollies .
which people pay for, they are not being forced to eat or drink this junk ..
by people paying for it allows the satanic rituals to continue to be conducted , the people demand their product and brand .... this is a major secret
yet many cowards and scared people cannot even look at this material or content , so they just run away
and attack people as being " crazy " to escape their horror that they cannot address ..
ask the divine and sacred light from the ONE prime creator to shine within your heart now
yet either way be at peace
the battle rages