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If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say (Read 16686 times)
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Australian Politics

Posts: 96812
Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #60 - Mar 9th, 2019 at 9:11pm
freediver wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 6:56pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 10:05pm:
freediver wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 7:05pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 6:44pm:
freediver wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 4:11pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 1:35pm:
I don't translate it as "ordained", more like "permitted" - as in you are allowed to fight strictly in self defense.

Would you prefer I started believing that my religion ordains that I must go forth and kill as many non-muslims as I can?

Or would you agree its actually a good thing in the interests of the safety and wellbeing of society that there are muslims like me who make the peaceful, violence-strictly-only-in-self-defence case for Islam?

You should have added that to your list. Ignore. Brush over. Alter.

Do you think its better for muslims to ignore, brush over and alter the alleged bad bits of the Quran, or follow them faithfully?

What is the lesser of two evils? Polishing a turd or eating it?

I don't understand FD, why on earth would anyone think that renouncing violence is "polishing a turd"?

You polish, so that others may eat.

Miam miam.
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Australian Politics

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Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #61 - Mar 9th, 2019 at 9:13pm
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 7:20pm:
Frank wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 5:15pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 2:57pm:
The interpretation excuse does nothing to stop Christians taking the Bible at its' literal word, then heading out to slaughter as many soft targets as possible, secure in the knowledge that Yahweh loves him / her and that he / she is assured a place in Heaven.

Why do you think Christian priests created two classes of Christians, with the ones who slay and are slain cited as the highest grade?

65% of the Bible was Christianity's way of bolstering violent support for it's campaign to spread Christianity across the world.

Moses, you post the usual bull droppings as you try and tell us you really don't like the violence, but you'll say and do anything to preserve the evil in a doctrine which causes and motivates this violence.

The cause motivation and perpetration of human rights atrocities, are all inextricably linked Moses.

It is absolutely useless to say you only want to denounce one of the components.

The whole lot has to be eradicated.  Let us end the evil rule of Christianity, today!  Renounce it, Moses and make a start at denouncing the evil of Christianity!  Tsk, tsk.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes   

Grin Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

The idea of universal human rights was introduced into the world by Christianity. No other creed or religion could have produced the notion, you silly, two-bit screamer. No other creed and religion accommodates it except Christianity and secularism derived from... er... Christianity.

And yet there are many Muslim nations which have signed up to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Soren.  Now, I wonder why they would bother to do that?   Or are they just doing it, like the supposed Christian/Secular Western Nations that ignore the human rights of their citizens, Mmmmm?

Those brothers didn't smack you hard enough, if you ask me, Bwian. They's didn't beat the 'insolent, ignorant, rancorous idiot' out of you.

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.   I wonder how the Lutheran clergy treated you, down in the Presbytery?  Like George Pell treated those two altar boys,  perhaps, Soren?   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Alt jungend! Alt jungend! Vo bist ein wiener, alt jungend?
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Brian Ross
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Representative of me

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Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #62 - Mar 9th, 2019 at 9:48pm
Karnal wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 9:13pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 7:20pm:
Frank wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 5:15pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 2:57pm:
The interpretation excuse does nothing to stop Christians taking the Bible at its' literal word, then heading out to slaughter as many soft targets as possible, secure in the knowledge that Yahweh loves him / her and that he / she is assured a place in Heaven.

Why do you think Christian priests created two classes of Christians, with the ones who slay and are slain cited as the highest grade?

65% of the Bible was Christianity's way of bolstering violent support for it's campaign to spread Christianity across the world.

Moses, you post the usual bull droppings as you try and tell us you really don't like the violence, but you'll say and do anything to preserve the evil in a doctrine which causes and motivates this violence.

The cause motivation and perpetration of human rights atrocities, are all inextricably linked Moses.

It is absolutely useless to say you only want to denounce one of the components.

The whole lot has to be eradicated.  Let us end the evil rule of Christianity, today!  Renounce it, Moses and make a start at denouncing the evil of Christianity!  Tsk, tsk.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes   

Grin Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

The idea of universal human rights was introduced into the world by Christianity. No other creed or religion could have produced the notion, you silly, two-bit screamer. No other creed and religion accommodates it except Christianity and secularism derived from... er... Christianity.

And yet there are many Muslim nations which have signed up to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Soren.  Now, I wonder why they would bother to do that?   Or are they just doing it, like the supposed Christian/Secular Western Nations that ignore the human rights of their citizens, Mmmmm?

Those brothers didn't smack you hard enough, if you ask me, Bwian. They's didn't beat the 'insolent, ignorant, rancorous idiot' out of you.

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.   I wonder how the Lutheran clergy treated you, down in the Presbytery?  Like George Pell treated those two altar boys,  perhaps, Soren?   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Alt jungend! Alt jungend! Vo bist ein wiener, alt jungend?

Åh, kære, han ser ud til at være lidt af en weiner, ikke?   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Australian Politics

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Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #63 - Mar 9th, 2019 at 10:22pm
Ikkie ikkie.
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Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #64 - Mar 9th, 2019 at 10:24pm
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 7:20pm:
Frank wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 5:15pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 2:57pm:
The interpretation excuse does nothing to stop Christians taking the Bible at its' literal word, then heading out to slaughter as many soft targets as possible, secure in the knowledge that Yahweh loves him / her and that he / she is assured a place in Heaven.

Why do you think Christian priests created two classes of Christians, with the ones who slay and are slain cited as the highest grade?

65% of the Bible was Christianity's way of bolstering violent support for it's campaign to spread Christianity across the world.

Moses, you post the usual bull droppings as you try and tell us you really don't like the violence, but you'll say and do anything to preserve the evil in a doctrine which causes and motivates this violence.

The cause motivation and perpetration of human rights atrocities, are all inextricably linked Moses.

It is absolutely useless to say you only want to denounce one of the components.

The whole lot has to be eradicated.  Let us end the evil rule of Christianity, today!  Renounce it, Moses and make a start at denouncing the evil of Christianity!  Tsk, tsk.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes   

Grin Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

The idea of universal human rights was introduced into the world by Christianity. No other creed or religion could have produced the notion, you silly, two-bit screamer. No other creed and religion accommodates it except Christianity and secularism derived from... er... Christianity.

And yet there are many Muslim nations which have signed up to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Soren.  Now, I wonder why they would bother to do that?   Or are they just doing it, like the supposed Christian/Secular Western Nations that ignore the human rights of their citizens, Mmmmm?

Taqiyya. You fall for taqiyya, bwian. You are stupid.
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Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.
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Posts: 21940
A cat with a view
Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #65 - Mar 9th, 2019 at 10:51pm

WWW search....
Sweden: Still More Migration
by Judith Bergman
March 9, 2019
Sweden's reintroduction of the right to family reunion for people granted asylum in Sweden without refugee status, entitles so-called "unaccompanied children" to bring their parents to Sweden.
[silly people. silly, naive LEFTISTS.
the more non-moslems 'submit' to the demands of 'accommodation' by local moslems, the more demands the local moslems will make.]

WWW search....
Australia: Muslim lawfare victimhood activist found guilty of assaulting pro-Israel activist
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 08, 2019
[one small win.]

WWW search....
[not in the West]
Pakistan: 13-year-old Christian girl abducted, forcibly converted to Islam, forced to marry captor
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 08, 2019
[these abductions in Pakistan, are so, so common.  and are always abetted by [moslem] Pakistani police.
this practice is outrageous, and yet no human rights NGO's or governments in the West are willing to condemn this practice.
p.s.     and, this practice is completely lawful, in ISLAMIC law.]

WWW search....
Dutch Islamic scholar: “No Western country has successfully integrated Muslims”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Mar 08, 2019
[i can't imagine why.]
"......the curse of Allah is on those without Faith."
Koran 2.089
"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98
"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11
"Muslims are one ummah (community) to the exclusion of all men. Believers are friends of one another to the exclusion of all outsiders." WWW search

WWW search....
Austria: Non-Muslim girls forced to wear hijabs to avoid harassment from Muslim migrants
By Robert Spencer on Feb 15, 2019
[i.e.    when i am in a moslem country, i must respect the laws and the cultural sensibilities of moslems.
and when i am in my own country, i must respect the laws and the cultural sensibilities of moslems.

local moslems often reveal, that they despise and hate our non-ISLAM society and our 'permissive' culture.
and, it is we [non-moslems] who must learn to respect moslem culture, while moslems who come to Australia to live, must be permitted to openly thumb their noses at Australian laws and cultural norms.
and whenever moslems physically attack us, we are told that it was only because someone 'deserved it', because they were 'insensitive' to the dignity of their religion.

and that, is the stance of the 'progressive' LEFTISTS in Australia, who want to invite more, and more, followers of ISLAM to Australia [moslem 'asylum seekers'], to come to live among us.
and, the ISLAMISATION of Europe [and other host nations] proceeds apace, being abetted, by 'progressive' LEFTISTS in those nations. ]

WWW search....
Hollywood rallies around Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar despite her anti-Semitic tweets
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 15, 2019
[it is Politically Correct for all, to support the moslem community.       coz, almost every day, moslems [present themselves] as always being 'victimised'.
and the Hollywood 'hotties' love every opportunity, to be able to 'virtue signal' their support for moslems, who are the targets of 'hatred'.]

WWW search....
Tony Blair admits to ‘nascent alliance’ between Islam and political Leftists
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 15, 2019
[the ex-PM of the UK who, while in office, was often heard to praise ISLAM, as being a peaceful religion.
and who also claimed that he often read the Koran, and kept a copy of it, by his bedside.]

WWW search....
Turkish computer game incites Jerusalem Muslims to wage jihad and “liberate” Temple Mount
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 15, 2019
[this is total B.S.     everyone knows that Turkey today, under Erdogan, is a moslem bastion of those who oppose 'terrorism'.]

WWW search....
BBC blames Salman Rushdie for Muslims who turned to jihad in rage over his “blasphemous” book
By Robert Spencer on Feb 15, 2019
[because jihadi violence can only every be caused, by those who have incited moslems to violence!!
and jihadi violence has absolutely nothing to do with ISLAMIC religious culture and its influence.
ISLAM is peace.     /sarc off]
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

WWW search....
Actor who falsely claimed attack by Trump supporters says he’d have been believed “if I had said it was a Muslim”
By Robert Spencer on Feb 15, 2019 08:00 am
[Jussie Smollett would have been believed if he had accused a moslem.     but instead he said his attackers were, racist, MAGA hat wearing thugs [i.e. Trump supporters].
but Jussie Smollett would NEVER have accused a moslem of attacking him,   coz Jussie Smollett is a LEFTIST 'lovey' who knows that ISLAM is peace.
the 'take away'....the world is just so unfair, to LEFTIST 'virtue signallers', who are willing to lie through their teeth, to promote their own 'virtuous' 'victimhood'.
can't you see, that just like moslems, Jussie Smollett is being persecuted and oppressed - by 'white' people!]

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Posts: 21940
A cat with a view
Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #66 - Mar 10th, 2019 at 7:13am
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 7:20pm:

........there are many Muslim nations which have signed up to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Soren.

Now, I wonder why they would bother to do that?

Could it be because many moslem nations are known to be paragons of virtue ?

WWW search....
Again: Saudi Arabia Elected Chair of UN Human Rights Council

Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 7:20pm:

Now, I wonder why they would bother to do that?

Have you heard the phrase,     'Putting the FOX in charge of the hen house.'     ???

What about the phrase, 'Virtue Signalling'  ?

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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A cat with a view
Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #67 - Mar 10th, 2019 at 7:34am
Yadda wrote on Mar 10th, 2019 at 7:13am:

Have you heard the phrase,    
'Putting the FOX in charge of the hen house.'

WWW search....
'Putting the FOX in charge of the hen house.' "islamist"

WWW search....
'Putting the FOX in charge of the hen house.' "sharia"

WWW search....
Is the most dangerous politician in Canada a Somali Muslim Migrant

WWW search....
Muslim Brotherhood Front Group To Teach Police 'Islam 101'

WWW search....
Allowing Islamic clergy into the jail without proper vetting is akin to putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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A cat with a view
Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #68 - Mar 10th, 2019 at 1:13pm

WWW search....
Aynaz Anni Cyrus Video: Why Are Muslims Raping Non-Muslim Women in Europe?
By Robert Spencer on Feb 15, 2019 07:59 am
"Ex-Muslim Aynaz Anni Cyrus explains a phenomenon that the political and media elites prefer to obfuscate and ignore."

[why ? because moslems can - is as bluntly as i can put it.   
and no mainstream politicians and media elites in Europe are willing to risk being labelled 'racists', by moslems and by their LEFTIST apologists in Europe.
the TRUTH - if non-moslems continually 'submit' to the intimidation and threats of ISLAMISTS, the ISLAMISTS will simply 'supply' more intimidation and threats, much more! ]

WWW search....
Bernie Sanders Stands with Muslims, But Do They Stand with Him?
By Robert Spencer on Feb 16, 2019 03:00 pm

[Q. knowing what many of us have come to know about ISLAM [deceitful 'approachment', vicious, an agenda dedicated to absolute ISLAMIC supremacism, hostile to every 'influence' which is non-ISLAM],
why is it that political LEFTISTS, around the world, are always supportive, of moslem agendas, and are always the wanna-be-apologists for moslem wrongdoers ?
virtue signalling.]
also,            WWW search....
Bernie Sanders on Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic tweets: “We will stand by our Muslim brothers and sisters”

WWW search....
Germany: Elderly man who facilitated Muslim migrant influx gets kicked out of his own flat to accommodate migrants
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 16, 2019

[aged German LEFTIST, who welcomed moslem migrant influx, must relocate to much smaller flat to 'accommodate' moslem migrants who have a greater need.
"And let the Devil take the hindmost."]
Leviticus 19:32
Thou shalt rise up before the hoary head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God: I am the LORD.
...but not in LEFTIST Germany today.

WWW search....
Islamic State bride from Canada asks not to be “judged too harshly,” calls herself “humanitarian”
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 16, 2019

[....and ISLAM is peace.
and moslems lying to, and deceiving 'disbelievers', is still recognised among the believers, as an acceptable form of Jihad [religious fighting against 'disbelievers'], in order to excuse, and/or to advantage the moslems. ]
" The Prophet said, "War is deceit." "

hadith/bukhari/ #004.052.269

WWW search....
Australia: Muslim woman convicted of arranging to have her daughters’ genitals mutilated in Somalia
By Robert Spencer on Feb 16, 2019

[local moslems by their actions [over time], will often reveal, that they have little, or no respect, for Australian laws and Australian cultural norms.
in every mosque in Australia, the imam will teach that ISLAMIC law is superior to 'man made' laws [i.e. local laws].
[even though, moslems may publicly deny that, that is taught, here in Australia.
this is what many imams teach to their congregants ---- > ]

WWW search....
muslim must obey the law of the land - as long as local law does not violate Allah's law
muslim must obey the law of the land - except where local law is in conflict with Allah's law

WWW search....
Nigeria: Elections postponed after Islamic State murders 42 in attack on governor’s election convoy
By Christine Douglass-Williams on Feb 16, 2019

[in the MSM here, it was reported that the Nigeria elections were postponed because in some outlaying areas, they didn't have the appropriate voting equipment.

moslems assert - no one has the right to make laws except Allah.   and, ISLAMIC law should be the law of every land.
period.  ]

WWW search....
Nigeria elections were postponed because "2019"

"Well, the electoral commissioner says it was because of logistical problems. Voting materials have apparently not been delivered to all the remote parts of Nigeria."

WWW search....
World’s largest Islamic charity, Islamic Relief, implicated in Tunisian terror probe
By Robert Spencer on Feb 16, 2019

[it is so often the case, that cash donations to charities controlled by followers of ISLAM,
will be blatantly redirected and 're-purposed', to fund militant groups, ISLAMIC militant groups.
this re-purposing of donations, by these supposed 'worthy' charities goes on, everywhere in the world.
and this certainly goes on, everywhere where charities are controlled and run by the followers of ISLAM.
ostensibly these charities will always appear to be dedicated to providing relief to desperate persons.

when trust is cynically betrayed, we all lose.

how to cut through this deceit ?    are you a forensic accountant ?    and would 'your' charity be willing to give you, an outsider, full access to all of their accounts ?
it all gets too difficult and complex! ]

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Posts: 21940
A cat with a view
Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #69 - Mar 10th, 2019 at 7:44pm

WWW search....
Denmark: 14 people face prosecution and up to 3 years prison for sharing video of Muslims beheading hiker
By Robert Spencer on Mar 09, 2019

[the term 'people' in this case = = followers of ISLAM.
these moslems, resident in Denmark, were sharing videos, of the beheading of two young European women backpacking in Morocco.
respect, for women bro.     WWW search.... "ISLAM is the most feminist religion"   ]

WWW search....
[not in the West]
Malaysia: Man gets 10 years prison for insulting Islam on Facebook
By Robert Spencer on Mar 09, 2019

WWW search....
[not in the West]
Malaysian government sets up special unit to monitor online activity for any form of insult against Islam
By Robert Spencer on Mar 09, 2019

[because ISLAM is not to be insulted.    ...nor scrutinised, nor criticised.]

"O ye who believe! Ask not questions about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble.....
Some people before you did ask such questions, and on that account lost their faith."
Koran 5.101, 102

WWW search....
UK: Oxford University suspends Muslim student for recruiting for pro-Sharia, pro-caliphate group
By Robert Spencer on Mar 09, 2019

[Allah be praised! a moslem who knows his religion!]

"A man came to the Prophet and asked, "A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them fights in Allah's Cause?" The Prophet said, "He who fights that Allah's Word (i.e. Islam) should be superior, fights in Allah's Cause." "
hadith/bukhari #004.052.065
hadith/bukhari #004.052.080

WWW search....
Germany: Woman marries Muslim migrant, converts to Islam, helps him plot jihad massacre
By Robert Spencer on Mar 09, 2019
"Yet another convert to Islam gets the idea that her new religion commands her to commit treason and mass murder.
Authorities remain resolutely incurious about this recurring phenomenon."

[because ISLAM is peace. ]

WWW search....
Minnesota: Ex-Muslim arrested after speaking with Muslims says “this should not be happening in this country”
By Robert Spencer on Mar 09, 2019

[when the local moslem community becomes numerous enough, and confident enough, those moslems will try to have ISLAMIC law enforced - even in the U.S.A.      telling infidel law enforcement, that, 'Hey! This guy is offending our religion! We want him prosecuted for this.'
call it cultural intimidation, or lawfare for Allah.]

WWW search....
Shameful: Germany Refuses To Designate Hezbollah A Terrorist Group
By Josh Hammer

[that is their business.     but foolish/care-less.
but in 2019, Germany now has a large moslem community whose 'sensibilities' much be considered and 'accommodated', before making any 'rash' government based judgements, about 'ISLAMIC support groups'. ]

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"....And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:31
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Brian Ross
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Representative of me

Posts: 42655
Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #70 - Mar 10th, 2019 at 10:26pm
Frank wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 10:24pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 7:20pm:
Frank wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 5:15pm:
Brian Ross wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 2:57pm:
The interpretation excuse does nothing to stop Christians taking the Bible at its' literal word, then heading out to slaughter as many soft targets as possible, secure in the knowledge that Yahweh loves him / her and that he / she is assured a place in Heaven.

Why do you think Christian priests created two classes of Christians, with the ones who slay and are slain cited as the highest grade?

65% of the Bible was Christianity's way of bolstering violent support for it's campaign to spread Christianity across the world.

Moses, you post the usual bull droppings as you try and tell us you really don't like the violence, but you'll say and do anything to preserve the evil in a doctrine which causes and motivates this violence.

The cause motivation and perpetration of human rights atrocities, are all inextricably linked Moses.

It is absolutely useless to say you only want to denounce one of the components.

The whole lot has to be eradicated.  Let us end the evil rule of Christianity, today!  Renounce it, Moses and make a start at denouncing the evil of Christianity!  Tsk, tsk.    Roll Eyes Roll Eyes   

Grin Grin Grin Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

The idea of universal human rights was introduced into the world by Christianity. No other creed or religion could have produced the notion, you silly, two-bit screamer. No other creed and religion accommodates it except Christianity and secularism derived from... er... Christianity.

And yet there are many Muslim nations which have signed up to the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Soren.  Now, I wonder why they would bother to do that?   Or are they just doing it, like the supposed Christian/Secular Western Nations that ignore the human rights of their citizens, Mmmmm?

Taqiyya. You fall for taqiyya, bwian. You are stupid.

You know, I've never had a Muslim lie to me, Soren.  Perhaps they just do it to you?  Mmmm?   Roll Eyes
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Someone said we could not judge a person's Aboriginality on their skin colour.  Why isn't that applied in the matter of Pascoe?  Tsk, tsk, tsk...   Roll Eyes Roll Eyes
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Australian Politics

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Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #71 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 10:56am
moses wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 1:25pm:
The usual bull droppings as you try and tell us you really don't like the violence, but you'll say and do anything to preserve the evil in a doctrine which causes and motivates this violence.

That sounds to me like you are ascribing sinister intentions of any muslim who promotes a peaceful interpretation of the Quran moses. Is this the case? If this debate really can't go beyond your stubborn refusal to accept sincere interpretations of the Quran that differ from your own, and an overarching fundamental suspicion of the motives of decent, law-abiding muslims, then I'm afraid there is nothing left to be said on this.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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At my desk.
Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #72 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 1:35pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 10:56am:
moses wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 1:25pm:
The usual bull droppings as you try and tell us you really don't like the violence, but you'll say and do anything to preserve the evil in a doctrine which causes and motivates this violence.

That sounds to me like you are ascribing sinister intentions of any muslim who promotes a peaceful interpretation of the Quran moses. Is this the case? If this debate really can't go beyond your stubborn refusal to accept sincere interpretations of the Quran that differ from your own, and an overarching fundamental suspicion of the motives of decent, law-abiding muslims, then I'm afraid there is nothing left to be said on this.

Your sincerity would be a bit easier to accept if you did not save your "peaceful interpretations" exclusively for non-Muslims. Even if we accept your sincerity, by itself it is not enough. It is the sincerity of the useful idiot western convert who refuses to see what he has signed up for, and whose efforts only serve to misrepresent Islam to those who might actually provide a real challenge to the Islamofascists.

You polish, so that others may eat.
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People who can't distinguish between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I cannot put into words.
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Australian Politics

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Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #73 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 3:01pm
moses wrote: Quote:
The usual bull droppings as you try and tell us you really don't like the violence, but you'll say and do anything to preserve the evil in a doctrine which causes and motivates this violence.

Gandalf wrote: Quote:
That sounds to me like you are ascribing sinister intentions of any muslim who promotes a peaceful interpretation of the Quran moses. Is this the case? If this debate really can't go beyond your stubborn refusal to accept sincere interpretations of the Quran that differ from your own, and an overarching fundamental suspicion of the motives of decent, law-abiding muslims, then I'm afraid there is nothing left to be said on this.

Gandalf your * peaceful interpretation of the Quran* is an excuse to hide from the fact that some muslims have a violent interpretation of the qur'an.

The muslims who takes this violent interpretation are the problem I keep talking to you about gandi.

You have used words like gloss over, disregard, rationalize etc. then you also use the word infallible.

Herein lies the problem, how can something be infallible if parts of it need to be glossed over, disregarded or rationalized, in order not be seen as a book for islamic terrorism?

Gandalf I see your excuses as dishonest at the best and sinister intentions in the worst case scenario.

You are not addressing the issue that the qur'an can and is being used, to promote islamic atrocities against the non believer.

Shallow words like rationalize etc. are in fact supporting the fundamentalist muslim, in his / her pursuit of violent jihad against the non believers.

muhammad hated those of you who had peaceful intentions, he downgraded you to second place in islam.

It's ironic that the qur'an taken in a literal sense is a motivation for islamic atrocities against mankind, the muslims who muhammad hated are the ones who are desperately trying to put an inverse facade on these teachings, all the while afraid to say that the teachings of a man who hated them were wrong.

muhammad never preached using symbols, parables, numbers etc., he told you it's taught in a simple way and easy to understand, yet you turn yourselves inside out trying to make out there is some deep hidden spiritual meaning.

islamic terrorism is ideological terrorism gandalf, there is only one way to overcome it (if you want to) and that is to denounce the many and varied evil verses in the ideology.
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Re: If you care, PAY ATTENTION, to what they say
Reply #74 - Mar 12th, 2019 at 3:13pm
moses, do you not see the logical inconsistency of citing what a minority of muslims believe and do as the embodiment proof of what the Quran says?

Don't you think it makes more sense to base it on what the majority believe and do?

freediver wrote on Mar 12th, 2019 at 1:35pm:
Your sincerity would be a bit easier to accept if you did not save your "peaceful interpretations" exclusively for non-Muslims. Even if we accept your sincerity, by itself it is not enough. It is the sincerity of the useful idiot western convert who refuses to see what he has signed up for, and whose efforts only serve to misrepresent Islam to those who might actually provide a real challenge to the Islamofascists.

To be honest, this doesn't make much sense to me, but it sounds like you are accusing me of irresponsibly "signing up" to Islam without knowing what it is about - and this act somehow undermines reformists within Islam. I'm not very clear on the process here. Please can you elaborate on this with more specific details? Thanks.
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A resident Islam critic who claims to represent western values said:
Outlawing the enemy's uniform - hijab, islamic beard - is not depriving one's own people of their freedoms.
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